Almost 70 years ago Prof John Roy Robert Searl (ProfSearl) invented a new process for generating energy using a device about the size of a small coffee table. It requires no gas, coal or oil and radiates no heat. It's called the Spatial Effect Generator (SEG), or by its original name the Searl Effect Generator.
so we can actually study this technology and not make the mistake of the last group and just use its promise for overly irrationally ego driven "fame" or "clout" when we just want the science to work, if we can find a way to use the cheaper russian version that doesnt require as much high precision machinery
"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that
something is possible, he is almost certainly right.
When he states that something is impossible,
he is very probably wrong."
The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) functions along the principles of a linear induction motor (LIM), but designed around a circular track for continuous motion of movable rotors. It is a magnetic prime mover of electromagnetic multi-phased cylindrical rollers over fixed stator rings and free of any mechanical wear or friction.
The SEG’s stators and rollers are magnetic components uniquely magnetized or imprinted with matching magnetic pole patterns.
While the neodymium layer serves as a source or reservoir of electroncharges that are drawn out by electromagnetic induction. These redial currents though the rollers makes for mechnical motion at right angles to both the electric and magnetic fields.
The SEG configuration of rollers in motion, cuts through the magnetic flux with a unique cycloid pattern that is superimposed over an orbit around the circumference of the stator. In this manner, each roller can also induce eddy currents of mutual induction between the copper surfaces to form a frictionless ‘magnetic bearing’ as it generates radial electrical potentials. Frictionless operation enables the SEG to operate without physical wear and thus enabling it to operate with a service expectancy of a lifetime.
The generator consists of three stator rings (called Plates) that are composed of four distinctively different materials concentrically layered to each other and fixed to a base. Surrounding each of the Plates is rotors (called rollers) constructed with the same materials but are free to rotate around the Plates. The inner most Plate typically has 12 rollers, 22 on the second stage and 32 on the final Plate. Surrounding the outer most rollers are conventional electromagnets, which by way of magnetic induction taps energy out of the rapid passing of magnetized rollers. These inductive pickup coils are connected in various configurations to supply AC power at a variety of desired voltage and current levels to suit residential or industrial applications.
The SEG is defined as a device constructed of 2,124 component parts that make up 3 plates and 66 roller sets. 12 of the 2,124 components make the 3 plates that act as reaction components. 2,112 components are employed to create 66 roller sets that also act as active components. Each roller set consists of 8 segments constructed from 32 components.
Each segment cannot be less than 34 grams in weight, as the law of the squares defines that value as the lowest value suitable for the reasonable generation of electricity. Therefore the smallest roller set must weigh 272 grams, making a grand total of 2,244 grams per roller set for the smallest surface bound SEG.
The SEG is a step up rotary transformer. In fact it’s a 'three rotary transformers' operational system, within the whole unit. The inner transformer output is fed in to the input of the second plate which increases the output of the second unit, which output feeds as an input to the final unit, thereby increasing its final output to a very high voltage. The output windings can be designed to step down the output to a standard 240 volts at the rate of about 15 Kilowatts for a home unit.
From 1946 up to 1968 the Searl Effect was referred to as magnetic bubbles in motion as it was explained in John's early newsletters. In 1968, it became clear that these magnetic bubbles contained particles in a set manner and that there was a set pattern to how many bubbles were present in the material. Because of this finding, Searl dropped the term ‘magnetic bubbles’ and replace it with the term ‘magnetic quantum material’ and released these details in a newsletter which has since been reproduced in one of Searl’s books a few years ago. A laboratory examination also agrees that somehow the material changes its state when produced in this manner.
When the rollers are brought into close proximity to the SEG plate,
the SEG resonant magnetic field causes electrons to be drawn
into and accelerated through the machine. This process is assisted by
the highly electron-attracting or capturing effect of the neodymium layer.
The unique mechanical and material arrangement of the SEG pulses the neodymium to continually release and replace the surplus electrons that provides both mechanical and electrical power.

“The SEG is a small portable device that you can use to power any device which runs on AC or DC voltage. In its 15 kWh size [approx 1 meter in diameter], for example, the SEG can fully power a 3-bedroom house off the grid.”The SEG requires no other source of fuel other then free floating electrons, which exist everywhere in nature, it is modular in designed allowing you to stack units together and contains magnetically suspended bearings which produce no friction allowing it to essentially last forever. It can power anything from vehicles, homes, businesses, urban or remote. Connect enough together and you could even power an entire city!”
VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Patty Greer and Fernando Morris, founder and CEO of SEG Magnetics Inc., explore the potential of the SEG Spatial Effect Generator, developed from concepts of British New Energy inventor John Searl.
hat is the Spatial Effect Generator (SEG)?
The SEG, originally known as the Searl Effect Generator, is a small portable device, approx 1 meter in diameter, which generates 15 kWh you can use to power any device which runs on AC or DC voltage.
It requires no other source of fuel other than free-floating electrons, which exist everywhere in nature, it is modular in designed allowing you to stack units together and contains magnetically suspended bearings which produce no friction allowing it to essentially last forever. It can power anything from vehicles, homes, businesses, urban or remote. Connect enough together and you could even power an entire city!
How does it work?
The best way to describe how the SEG works is to compair it to a concept we already understand fully, a Dam.
- Water in its usable form flows through the Hydroelectric Dam = Electrons in the Neodymium in their usable form flow through the dielectric layer (Electron Dam or Regulator).
- As the water is allowed to flow through the motor-generator, it starts to produce electricity = As the electrons are allowed to flow, the SEG motor-generator starts to produce electricity with external C-shaped electromagnets.
- The water behind the dam is understood = The electron behind the SEG dam should be understood likewise.
- That the dam holds back water in H2O currents is understood = That the SEG dam holds back electrons within the Neodymium in electrical currents should be understood likewise.
- As the hydroelectric motor is regulated with flow of water, more water, more power is understood = As the SEG motor regulates the flow of electrons, more electrons, more power can be understood just as well.
- In both cases the flow of the medium turns the motor generator.
- In both cases the motor generator produces electricity.
- In both cases we can see that hydroelectric power and SEG power are very similar.
- The primary difference is the medium used to turn the motor/ generator system.
so we can actually study this technology and not make the mistake of the last group and just use its promise for overly irrationally ego driven "fame" or "clout" when we just want the science to work, if we can find a way to use the cheaper russian version that doesnt require as much high precision machinery
Or your cars can all run on these and you wont need to actually pay for gas one day or you can make your power plants run off these
u can compeet withteh west and become rich
youc an even mine cryptocurrency with teh electricity it produces
you can build them befroe us if you contact the serl effect genertaor peopel so they can ensure you have BACKUPS incase an inteference happens we will do this all over the planet
and we will amk aure the poil companies get invested so they all make money and do not intefere
it is in everyoens rational selfinterest to invest in this tech
fuck yeah brohey Carla Augusta Friedrichi have acquired a process to fund teh Serl Efffect Generator, all my experince in cryptocurrency has led me here check my steem I can use a steem SMT ICO and EOS airdrop to actually fund the purchase of the actual machine tools, so the money would not have a chance to go to anyone but the peopel who actually Ship us the machinery we need, no chance of a scam you see? You get funding form the millions ofpeopel around teh world who can buya TOKEN in SEG coin and thenwhen Serl effect geberatoris built and sold, trheyll Set up a power plant, mine Bitcoin and the investors will geta dividend opf that make a short message showing anyone who is in private bussines or government and show them, if they can get this technology, omg Your Miulitary can have Trucks that never need gas and it will save you a lot of money...
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