Searl Effect Technology
"Today the vacuum of space is not regarded as empty ... It is a sea of dynamic energy ... like the spray of foam near a turbulent waterfall."
Harold Puthoff (PhD)
John Searl
Open Source Energy Network
The Technology of John Searl
January 5th, 2006: Filmed in 1994 at the IFNE Conference in Denver, this hour-long presentation by John Searl describes the inner-workings of the infamous Searl-Effect Generator and IGV Propulsion System with photos, schematics, construction details, and a concise summary of 1960's testing that you simply can't afford to miss! Video Available Here
 | The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) is a magnetic diode, and what one may consider one of the original "Free Energy" Devices. The inventor of the technology is Professor John Robert Roy Searl of England. The SEG in essence is a composite ring made of an electron reservoir (a rare earth like Neodymium), a magnetized accelerator stage (Iron or Nickel), an electron flow regulator stage (Nylon 66 or Teflon), and finally, a paramagnetic layer (Aluminium or Copper). The design of the SEG is both beautifully simple and infuriatingly complex at the same time. |
 | The craft pictured here are Inverse Gravity Vehicles (IGVs), of which 41 prototypes were built, and one large version was constructed, the DEMO-1, in 1968. The smaller craft were the P series IGVs, approximately 11 feet in diameter and weighing a few tonnes. DEMO-1 was 21 feet in diameter and weighed 11 tonnes. You can see it flying here below...
Inside each of these IGVs there is a powerful 3-ring SEG which provides levity to the craft through a combination of magnetic, electrostatic and flywheel effects, many of which I freely admit are beyond my comprehension.The iron element in the SEG "plate" (the big ring) is magnetized with a combined DC and AC magnetizing sequence which causes many poles to form all over the surface of the iron, in a wave like pattern corresponding to the AC frequency used. The iron element is then combined with the others (which are NOT involved in the magnetizing process) in a process called sintering - pushing them together under pressure. The same is done for the smaller magnets, or "rollers", except that each roller consists of eight stacked segments held together by the magnetic field. When you have twelve roller stacks and a correctly magnetized plate, and place the rollers on the plate as below, something truly amazing happens.
There are only ten rollers in the picture for safety reasons, as in a full set, the rollers will accelerate to 250km/h around the plate! This incredible feat is due to the instability of having an AC sine imprint on the plate and a cosine print on the rollers - instability created as the fields conflict causes the rollers to orbit the plate. They are held down by the magnetic field and thrown out by the centrifugal forces, so the rollers do not actually touch the plate when in motion. Thus, friction is virtually non-existent, and the high electrostatic charge accumulated by the SEG soon ionises all the nearby air and pushes it totally away from the SEG, enveloping it in an intense vacuum. High voltage flashover thus becomes impossible, and the potentials created by the generator can reach monstrous levels.
Unlike any other form of electrical technology, the presence of electron flow throught the generator actually cools it, reducing the resistance. This is due to free electrons being pulled out of the air and the resulting energy deficit causing the air to cool. As one places a greater and greater load on the SEG's induction coils (fitted so that the rollers pass through them to produce high-frequency AC), the rollers accelerate to accomodate the added energy drain, more power is pulled from the air, and the temperature lowers even further. A critical point is eventually reached. At 4 degrees Kelvin, the SEG superconducts and totally loses all electrical resistance. At this point, it levitates, completely enveloped in a perfect vacuum. Without control, it will accelerate up away from the Earth and disappear off into space, never to be seen again. To control it, a powerful radio frequency emitted nearby is required. If the same RF is transmitted as the AC frequency used to magnetise the rollers, they will completely stop. This acts as an ideal control gate, preventing the loss of costly generators.
John Thomas's Website The American half of Searl's company
 | This is a picture of a pressing apparatus used in the sintering process. The different ring-roller elements are heated and pushed together under several tonnes per square inch. |
This is a picture of a completed ring, with the iron ring-elements magnetically bonded to it. Note that the ring shells are not complete yet. |  |
 | A picture of the "Glass SEG", with which the effect may be demonstrated with a simpler magnet setup. (Couldn't you just imagine this in the science museum?) |
The Official Website John R.R. Searl, based in the United Kingdom.
A picture of a 3-variant IGV shell. This one was taken quite recently I believe. |  |
A picture of a ferrite SEG configured to produce high torque.
A picture of the construction of an IGV, probably one of the P-series, not DEMO-1
 | Another IGV construction scene. Note the 1960s car in the background |
One more picture of IGV construction |  |
New Website February 17, 2006 Welcome to the John Searl Solution ---
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Tesla's experiment shows the zero point energy
Unexplained experiment always precedes theory. Now, I will present the fact that energy seems to be taken from nothing - Zero-Point Energy:
In 1889 Tesla began experimenting with capacitors charged to high voltages and discharged in very short time intervals. These very short pulses produced very sharp shockwaves which he felt across the front of his whole body. He was aware that closing a switch on a high-voltage dynamo often produced a stinging shock. This was believed to be static electricity and it occurred only at switch-on and only for a few milliseconds. However, in those few milliseconds, bluish needles of energy stand out from the electrical cables and they leak to ground, often through the bodies of any people standing nearby, causing immediate death if the installation is large. While the generators of that time were rated at some thousands of volts, these discharges were millions of volts in intensity. The generator problem was eliminated by the used of highly insulated switches which were provided with a very large ground connection.
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?
Radiant energy and Zero-Point Energy
Radiant energy - Radiant Electricity
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?
Tesla continued to investigate through experiments, taking precautions against the high voltages being produced. He was soon able to produce these shockwaves whenever he wanted to. The shockwaves produced a stinging sensation no matter where he stood in his laboratory, and hands and face were particularly sensitive to the wave. These waves radiated out and penetrated metal, glass and every other kind of material. This was clearly not an electromagnetic wave, so he called the new wave ‘Radiant Electricity’.
so we can actually study this technology and not make the mistake of the last group and just use its promise for overly irrationally ego driven "fame" or "clout" when we just want the science to work, if we can find a way to use the cheaper russian version that doesnt require as much high precision machinery
Or your cars can all run on these and you wont need to actually pay for gas one day or you can make your power plants run off these
u can compeet withteh west and become rich
youc an even mine cryptocurrency with teh electricity it produces
you can build them befroe us if you contact the serl effect genertaor peopel so they can ensure you have BACKUPS incase an inteference happens we will do this all over the planet
and we will amk aure the poil companies get invested so they all make money and do not intefere
it is in everyoens rational selfinterest to invest in this tech
fuck yeah brohey Carla Augusta Friedrichi have acquired a process to fund teh Serl Efffect Generator, all my experince in cryptocurrency has led me here check my steem I can use a steem SMT ICO and EOS airdrop to actually fund the purchase of the actual machine tools, so the money would not have a chance to go to anyone but the peopel who actually Ship us the machinery we need, no chance of a scam you see? You get funding form the millions ofpeopel around teh world who can buya TOKEN in SEG coin and thenwhen Serl effect geberatoris built and sold, trheyll Set up a power plant, mine Bitcoin and the investors will geta dividend opf that make a short message showing anyone who is in private bussines or government and show them, if they can get this technology, omg Your Miulitary can have Trucks that never need gas and it will save you a lot of money...
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