Friday, March 22, 2019

strut rebuilding.

Una pequeña explicacion de como reparar 800.721.7761 Learn to rebuild a QA1 twin tube shock in just minutes for cleaning or replacing parts. These shocks ...

Si desean saber mas sobre este metodo y su modo de aplicacion , hay los siguentes videos : #1 el porque reutilizar y cargar ...

Para calcular el nivel de aceite necesario para cada amortiguador ...

How I have been refilling shocks for 40 years and saving quite a bit of money. One small mistake regarding the oil drained out, ...

Para calcular el nivel de aceite necesario para cada amortiguador PROCESO COMPLETO DE ...

i will show you how to resolve any electric problem in your car .how to install any electric thing in your car. about any thing have in ...

How to rebuild your struts (shocks). These are definitely struts, and not shocks, but a lot of people call them shocks, so I put it in the ...

Here in this video you would see the complete detailed instructions on car front strut or shock absorberassembly. You will watch ...

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