adding 30ml (1 fluid ounce) of motor oil for cooling when using hydraulic-type shock inserts. It didn't say anything about that for gas-type shocks. I've read quite a few discussions on the subject and the general consensus seems to be that adding the oil is a good thing, regardless of the shock type. Some people have reported that their shocks are noisier without the oil. I added 30ml of Mobil 20W50 motor oil even though my Boge/Sachs replacement shocks had a "gas" sticker on them. Here's to smooth shocks!
Una pequeña explicacion de como reparar un amortiguador usado y poder usarlo un tiempo mas, es un buen metodo y puede ... 800.721.7761 Learn to rebuild a QA1 twin tube shock in just minutes for cleaning or replacing parts. These shocks ...
Si desean saber mas sobre este metodo y su modo de aplicacion , hay los siguentes videos : #1 el porque reutilizar y cargar ...
Para calcular el nivel de aceite necesario para cada amortiguador ...
How I have been refilling shocks for 40 years and saving quite a bit of money. One small mistake regarding the oil drained out, ...
Para calcular el nivel ...
watch ...