This company will again start the manufacturing of Ambassador car in India
At the beginning of the power plant, there will be a manufacturing capability of about 2 lakh units annually. Hosur's plant will be operational at the beginning of 2019.
Birla said the company is working on the introduction of BS-IV diesel engines for its Ambassador cars for the taxi segment.
Ambassador Changes Hands
Hindustan Motors, a C.K. Birla group firm, has sold the Ambassador brand to European auto major Peugeot for `80 crore. The manufacturing of Ambassador cars has been discontinued for a while now. The PSA Group has entered into a partnership with the C.K. Birla group to re-enter the Indian market and earmarked `700 crore to set up a vehicle and powertrain manufacturing unit in Tamil Nadu.
Ambassador car’s India return! 8 things to know about Hindustan Motors’ crown jewel
The legend returns: Ambassador car is all set to make a grand come back in India! All details on C.K Birla and PSA Groupe joint venture, timelines and top things to know about the new Ambassador.
Hindustan Ambassador
Hindustan Motors Ambassador is one of the most iconic and historic car manufactured in India for the longest period in the country. Ambassador brand making a comeback in India is not just exciting but also further emphasises the success and the impact it has had on India and its customers. Hindustan Motors owned Ambassador car was present in India from 1958 to 2014and be it a politician or a celebrity, the Ambassador in its early years was an aspirational product. Everyone wanted one and the sitting inside the car made the owner feel a very important person. Ambassador was also the first car to be built in India just after a decade of independence. Towards the end of its lifecycle, the Ambassador failed to keep up with the technology, comfort and there existed better cars on roads and declining sales led Hindustan Motors ceasing the production of the Ambassador.
Now though, the Hindustan Ambassador car might make a comeback in India in a French avatar. There are a series of turnarounds for this iconic brand and now sources close the development now says that there will be a big revelation around the Ambassador brand and PSA Groupe India strategy in 2019 and will revolve around the Ambassador brand but will not be restricted to this brand alone. More official details on this are expected to to be revealed around September/October 2018.
A PSA spokesman had earlier confirmed that the company could add the Ambassador brand to its lineup to make the PSA famous in India.
Top Things You Should Know About Ambassador's India Revival:
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1. Hindustan Motors' owners C K Birla has signed a joint venture with French Automaker PSA Group that owns global car brands like Peugeot, Citroen and DS Brands. The 50:50 joint venture between C K Birla Group and PSA Groupe has seen an investment of Rs 700 crore to set up its base, establish manufacturing units in India and very soon the company will start its activities and talk about its dealership and product strategy in India.
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2. PSA Groupe has acquired the brand Ambassador from Hindustan Motors for Rs 80 crore in February 2017. The joint venture between PSA and C.K Birla is in the final stages of construction of its powertrain plant in Hosur, Tamil Nadu that will have an annual capacity of 2 lakh units.
3. PSA Group and CK Birla will further invest in this powertrain plant to support a progressive ramp-up. The Hosur plant is likely to be operational by early 2019 and will manufacture gearboxes and engines for both India and export markets.
4. This is the third big attempt by PSA Groupe to enter India and with an iconic brand like Ambassador already at their disposal, it should make it easy for the French carmaker to make a grand entry. PSA had withdrawn its partnership with Premier Automobiles after launching just one car in India in the 1990s. The company had also acquired land in Gujarat to set up a manufacturing plant in 2011. But, due to the financial crisis in Europe, the company had to delay its India plans once again. We expect the company to be lucky for the third time if they spearhead their operations with the Ambassador brand being used on a competitive product.
Carlos Tavares, PSA Group chairman and CK Birla. Image Credit: Daily Mail
5. PSA Groupe and C.K Birla aim to roll out the first car as a result of this venture in 2020.
In February 2017, Hindustan Motors (HM) sold the Ambassador brand to Peugeot, the French car manufacturer poised to re-enter the Indian market with the HM principals. They paid ₹80 crore for the name that moved the armed forces, government and innumerable families across India for almost 60 years. Nostalgia trip
The car most remember as the Ambassador is based on the British-built Morris Oxford Series III, and has been produced with minor changes since 1957. Manufactured by the CK Birla group company Hindustan Motors, it was liked for its spacious interiors, solid build and status — considering it was the passenger vehicle of choice for Government functionaries. It remained so until the 80s, when Maruti Suzuki came into the country and changed motoring forever with cheap, reliable Japanese cars.
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