Bill Richardson, Nuclear Fusion at Low Temperature, gives a lot more energy that it uses… The gas coming out from this Underwater Plasma Electrolysis is burnable without pollution, called Bingofuel,

Aquafuel, SynGas, Synthetic Gas it's COH2 (Carbon Monoxide + Hydrogen 66%, Carbon monoxide is DEADLY gas, but is eliminated when burning occur).
If the water is enriched with carbonates like sugar or sewage, the carbon electrode live longer.
## 1997, AQUAFUEL - NEW CLEAN FUEL FOR POWER GENERATION, http://www.gsenet.org/library/07eng/aquafuel.php
AQUAFUEL - A Newly Patented, Ultra-Clean-Burning, Fuel Technology, Bill Richardson - Inventor 1496 Giles St., Palm Bay, FL 32907
In the race for buckyballs, Nobel prize winning scientists discovered a third form of carbon - C60 - created by striking an electric arc in a gap between carbon electrodes within a vacuum. This new carbon molecule has fantastic properties and holds tremendous promise for creating great new carbon-based materials and products. Leading scientists and authorities initially scoffed at the discovery and dismissed it as "junk".
Beyond buckyballs, a new carbon electrode arc technology is now being used UNDERWATER to produce ultra-clean-burning, low-cost alternative synthesis gas, or Syngas called AquaFuel. This simple method of producing a hydrogen/carbon/oxygen gas holds great promise for energy and chemical production. AquaFuel is being produced in demonstration units and is now undergoing tests in engines and research labs.
… The petroleum industry can now increase the value of the petroleum coke product resulting from crude oil processing. Coke may now be economically combined with hydrogen and oxygen from water with this new efficient electro/chemical process. Coke and water can become the perfect pollution solution. Other carbon sources including the growing mountains of old tires have been recycled and the carbon reclaimed and used for this clean fuel production process. Even the carbon from biomass is being converted to fuel with this technology.
This process is similar to MIT's work on the plasmatron (See Plasma Reformer-Fuel Cell Systems For Decentralized Power Applications International Journal of Hydrogen Energy -January 1997) where various hydrocarbons are subjected to an electric arc and reformed into H and CO. EPRI has chosen a demonstration 2MW molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) unit as most suitable for urban needs. Because of the high operating temperature, hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be used as fuels for the MCFC. Instead of reforming complex hydrocarbon chains however, the AquaFuel process obtains hydrogen and oxygen from water and consumes the graphite electrodes.
To make AquaFuel - a low voltage/high amperage ac or dc electric arc tunnels through water between the tips of carbon electrodes. The 5,000 to 7,000 oF heat from the arc dissociates nearby water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Carbon atoms break loose from the electrodes and form bonds in this high energy plasma soup. The resulting hydrogen/carbon/oxygen molecules cool and bubble up to the surface in the surrounding water.
… Nontoxic carbon dioxide and water vapor are the exhaust products from AquaFuel and air combustion. Hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide emissions are negligible even without any pollution control equipment of any type.
Automobile engine oil stays clean and lasts long - reducing the need for frequent oil changing and cutting waste oil disposal problems. AquaFuel combustion creates lower exhaust gas and engine oil temperatures - helping to preserve oil integrity while the system runs cooler than burning gasoline in the same engine producing nearly the same power.
… AquaFuel could be marketed for use in all engines, needing only the addition of simple intake adapters such as found on fleet vehicles converted to run on natural gas or propane. AquaFuel can supply the market requirement for fueling thermal electric power generation, internal combustion engines, furnaces, heaters, stoves, and desalinization systems….
… Poisonous carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and other poisons are not produced when AquaFuel is burned with air. No pollution control equipment of any type is needed to achieve pollution-free emissions.
AquaFuel Association - Joseph E. Bollent, Tampa, FL. Rob Jaeger E-mail: RAJ-at-aol.com

Water-fueled car
Energy from water
To all whom it may concern be it known that I, Gaby de Wilde, artist, subject of the Dutch Queen, of Dutch nationality, a citizen of the independent monarchy of the Netherlands governed by members of the House of Orange Nassau, residence of Enkhuizen, in the Province of North-Holland the Kingdom of the Netherlands, have documented claims of new and improved methods towards utilisation of water in the sense of it being a fuel source thus allowing for the construction of peak oil reziliant apparatus in the most general sense thereof I hereby declare ofwhich the following specification to aproach as closeley as possible to be the full, clear, exact and accurate description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to use the same.
gaby de wilde
Viorel Balan
All Rights Reserved
Version 264
Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
Exported: Mar 28, 2012
Original URL: http://knol.google.com/k/-/-/1yrf1mzjtxzk5/2
main article: Introduction to the water fueled car
Besides from the popular variate of hydrogen on demand fuel saving technologies scientists and inventors have also devised technologies to run cars on water alone. This knol intends to make it clear that quite a few water powered autos have been build over the passed 100 years.
Dr. Emoto demonstrated
music and emotions
affect water clusters
Water is very receptive to all kinds of vibrations. Vibration of the molecule may involve combination of symmetric stretch, asymmetric stretch and bending of each covalent bond.[1] Disassociation of water into hydrogen and oxygen boils down to the introduction of "simple" mechanical vibrations we know as heat, radio and radiation but also light.
Thermolysis (see:Plasma reactor) is the thermal decomposition of water into plasma at 10000-12000 C
Hydrolysis involves disassociation by crushing one water molecule into another (like brute force electrolysis)
Radiolysis represents waves in the radio and x-ray spectrum causing a breakdown sequence into hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen radicals and oxygen compounds like ozone[2] (which when converted back into oxygen releases great amounts of energy)
Flash photolysis uses light pulses to initiate chemical reactions.[3]
Sonoluminescence arises from acoustic cavitation. The formation, growth and implosion of small gas bubbles in a liquid blasted with sound waves above 18,000 cycles per second. The collapse of these bubbles generates intense local heating and flashes of light.
Furthermore, implosion or heat pump technology (reversed Carnot cycle) may allow endothermic reaction to draw energy from the vibrations commonly referred to as ambient heat.[67]
Introducing resonance
2003 UB313 in 17:5 resonance
with Neptune. - orbitsimulator.com
In 1874, John Ernst Worrell Keely discovered a way to disassociate water using sympathetic vibration;[4] In 1890, Nicola Tesla discovered his mechanical oscillator;[5] in 1913, Alexander Meissner [6] created his self-resonating electrical circuit;[7] In 1935, Charles H. Garrett sun of Dad Garrett had operated his engine continuously for more than forty-eight hours. In the 70's, Dr. Andrija Puharich made complex electrical waveforms resonate water molecules and shatter them unknowingly replicating Keely's frequencies. In 1980, Stanley A. Meyer build his water fuel cell partially based upon the Puharich frequencies.
Plasma reactor
main article: Plasma reactor
plasmatron removes 90 percent
of the nitrogen oxides.[8]
Engineers have known for years that adding hydrogen to fuel makes an engine run cleaner. The trick was figuring out how to produce hydrogen quickly and compactly on board.[9] - MIT's microplasmatron is a fuel converter used on a vehicle to transform gasoline or other hydrocarbons with an electrically conducting plasma to accelerate reactions that generate hydrogen rich gas to be used in the engine.[10] For example US Patent 1,630,048 states: "The light and therefore easily inflammable hydrocarbons are fired first by the ignition means provided on the engine and thise proveide the heat required for igniting the heavy hydrocarbons contained in the mixture". The spark plug triggers a spark then the fuel molecules explode in a chain reaction. After this reaction the heat is normally radiated away into the environment. A plasma fuel reactor may use this heat to fracture hydrogen, this essentially is free energy available in any non-continues combustion process.
Fuel pill
main article: Fuel pill
A variety of chemicals can be used to turn (sea) water into a combustible fuel.
Pistol shrimp
The Pistol shrimp is capible of creating a blast of water at 100km/h and 9900C.[11] It desturbs sub marine radio and and the collapse of the bubbel shows a flash of light.[12] The jet is initially launched mechanically from the cavity in it's claw, flash photolysis and radiolysis do the rest of the job. We note the limb is not ripped off from backfire nor can we assume this small creature to contain sufficent energy to power his cannon. It is the cavity, the radio signal and the photon burst producing sympathetic vibrations and producing resonant entrainment therewith. Surprisingly, most of those effects are known in sonoluminescence to be caused by the collapsing bubble.
Hollow Earth
2.8 km below ground a microbial biome was found dominated by a single phylotype affiliated with thermophilic sulfate reducers belonging to Firmicutes. These sulfate reducers were sustained by geologically produced sulfate and hydrogen at concentrations sufficient to maintain activities for millions of years.[13]
John Ernst Worrell Keely
John Ernst Worrell Keely
main article: John Keely Acoustic Dissociation of Water
In 1874 John Ernst Worrell Keely[14] discovered a way to disassociate water using acoustics.[4] When the ether flows from a tube, its negative centre represents molecular sub-division carrying interstitially (or between its molecules) the lowest order of liberated ozone. This is the first order of ozone and its wonderfully refreshing and vitalizing to those who breathe it. The second order, or atomic separation, releases a much higher grade of ozone; in fact, too pure for inhalation, is the one that has been utilized by Keely to produce the circuit of high vibration that breaks up the molecular magnetism which is recognized as cohesion.
The acceleration of these orders is governed by the introductory impulse on a certain combination of vibratory chords, arranged for this purpose in the instrument, with which Keely dissociates the elements of water, and which he calls a Liberator. Keely refers to his technique as progressive dissociation.
In molecular dissociation one fork of 620 is used, setting the chords on the first octave.
In atomic separation two forks, one of 620 and one of 630 per second; setting the chords on the second octave.
In the etheric three forks; one of 620, one of 630, and one of 12,000, setting the chords on the third octave.
One cannot directly dissociate a single level of aggregation due to the shell like structure of matter. If you wish to dissociate the Atomic level, you must first dissociate the molecular to be able to get to the atomic. If you wish to dissociate the etheric, you must disrupt the molecular and the atomic, then the etheric.[15]
Hydro Vacuo Engine
Charles H. Frazer
In 1918, Charles H. described a hydrogen/oxygen generating cell added to the combustion engine to increase efficiency, eliminate carbon deposits and improve horsepower.[64] Most notably the device allows the use of (normally unusable) lower grade fuels.
Hydrogen-oxygen generator
Referenced by
Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell for use with internal combustion engines
Method of and apparatus for controlling ignition timing of an internal combustion engine
Hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell
Irving Langmuir
Irving Langmuir In 1926, Irving Langmuir[3] invented the Atomic Hydrogen torch.[16] Hydrogen is dissociated while it passes through an electric arc
H2 H + H - 422 kJ
afterwhich the energy is liberated again
H + H H2 + 422 kJ.
This resulting in an endothermic chain reaction, produces temperatures well over 3700 degrees centigrade, easily outperforming modern day oxy-hydrogen (2800C) and oxy-acetylene (3315C). The torch can melt Tungsten steel and vaporise diamonds. The molecular hydrogen then burns off in the atmosphere, contributing very little to the heat output.[17]
In 1929 An unknown Californian inventor demonstrated a water fueled car. One of the many eye witnesses, Californian school teacher Hugh Wilson reported that the vehicle drove from Los Angeles California over several days in the hot California afternoons suggesting it used an endothermic system.[67]
Charles and Dad Garrett
Main article: Garrett carburetor
Dad Garrett September 8, 1935, Charles H. Garrett sun of Dad Garrett had operated his engine continuously for more than forty-eight hours. It broke up the water by electrolysis into its component gases, oxygen and hydrogen, using the hydrogen for fuel. At this time the working demonstration model operated a four-cylinder engine for several minutes, at varying speeds and with several starts and stops thus the Dallas Morning News reported. [18]
A few months later, Pathe' News filmed the car driving along Garland Road with the driver stopping at White Rock Lake to fill the fuel tank with water before cruising off. Garrett claimed instant starts in any weather, no fire hazards, cooler operation and plenty of power and speed. The car was not marketed, and no one seems to know its ultimate destiny. [19]
Electrolytic carburetor
referenced by
Vaporized fuel for internal combustion engine and method and apparatus for producing same - Arnold I. Feuerman
Vaporized fuel for internal combustion engine and method and apparatus for producing same - Arnold I. Feuerman
Electrolysis fuel supplementation apparatus for combustion engines - John D. Glynn, Daniel R. Glynn, Arthur R. Andrews
Aqueous fuel for internal combustion engine and method of combustion - Rudolf W. Gunnerman
Aqueous fuel for internal combustion engine and method of preparing -Rudolf W. Gunnerman
Francisco Pacheco
Main article: Francisco Pancheco
In 1942, Bolivian inventor Francisco Pacheco invented a device that turns sea water into clean, combustible hydrogen on demand. His first experiment involved a small unit which produced enough fuel to boil water. From there, he took his hydrogen fuel generator and used it to run a motorcycle.
Pacheco successfully demonstrated his generator to the Bureau of Standards in Washington DC, U.S. Vice President, Henry Wallace, president of Bolivia, General Enrique Penaranda, Chief Military Intelligence Service of the United States War Department, Colonel Clarence Barnett from the American Embassy.
In 1974, his cel attached to a melite alternator unit with a 3 horse power 1000 watt generator with a 4 stroke engine was demonstrated to Congressman Robert Roe. 1974 a 26 foot power boat ran for nine hours using seawater for fuel. In 1973, the invention was analyzed by the New Jersey Gollob Analytical Service Corporation Labs. In 1979, Nan Waters, a consulting chemist with the Aesop Institute analyzed the generator and wrote:
"Basically, he has combined in one device three very simple chemical principles; a) The use of active metals to produce hydrogen from water, b) The differing electrical potential of two metals to produce an electrical current, c) The use of electrical current to produce hydrogen from water by electrolysis. All the ideas are well known; they simply havn´t been put together this way before. It is so simple as to be elegant."
In 1977, Mr. Pacheco adapted his generator to provide a complete energy system for his neighbor´s new home. A demonstration of the home generator was witnessed by the New Jersey Commissioner of Energy and staff. In 1979, for 5 consecutive days, the generator was demonstrated for the public generating on demand hydrogen, electric and thermal energy as its output at the International Inventors Exposition.
He secured a patent in the U.S., Germany, Brazil and Japan. His grandson Edmundo Pacheco still holds the patent rights.[20]
Hydrogen generator
Referenced by
Vehicular propulsion system- Gordon R. Stone
Electrolytic cell for producing alkali metal hypochlorites - Nobutaka Goto, Michiru Naito
Control system for hydrogen generators - Otto J. Adlhart
Method for renewing fuel cells using magnesium anodes - Stuart Rosner
Hydrogen generation system - Debabrata Ghosh, Asoke Chandra Das Chaklader, Zhaolin Tang, Zhong Xie
Bi-polar auto electrolytic hydrogen generator
Galvanic hydrogen producer - Morris Fidelman
Sandwiched structure for production of heat and hydrogen gas - Stanley A. Black, James F. - US Navy
Self-energizing water treatment accessory - Michael H. Mack
Edward Estevel
In the late 1960's, Edward Estevel - from Spain developed a classic 'water to auto engine' system extracting the hydrogen out of water to use as fuel. This system was highly heralded, then sank among other such 'high hope' hydrogen systems amid rumors of foul play.[21][22]
Sam Leach
During the mid 1970's, Sam Leach - of Los Angeles developed a hydrogen extraction process. The unit easily extracted free hydrogen from water and was small enough to fit under the hood of automobiles. In 1976 two independent labs in LA tested this generator with perfect results. Mr. M.J. Mirkin who began the Budget car rental system purchased the rights to the device from the inventor who was said to be very concerned about his personal security.[21][22]
Archie Blue
In the 1970s Archie Blue, from Christchurch, New Zealand, demonstrated both publicly and before experts a device that fit in the motor compartment of a car which converted water into combustible hydrogen and oxygen.[65] [66]
Electrolytic cell
Water purifying apparatus
1376207 (unknown)
1431047 (unknown)
1544052 (unknown)
1862663 (unknown)
2000815 (unknown)
3192138 (unknown)
3433729 (unknown)
3518036 (unknown)
Referenced by
4442801 Electrolysis fuel supplementation apparatus for combustion engines
4450060 Bipolar electrolytic cell
5217507 Container system
5231954 Hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell
5399251 System for generating hydrogen and oxygen
7258779 Method and means for hydrogen and oxygen generation
Rodger Billings
In 1965, Roger Billings built the a hydrogen powered car as a high school science project. Billings Energy Corporation, the company he formed in 1973 as the vehicle for his pioneering work in hydrogen energy technology, was sold by Billings in 1984 when, after years of hard work, he realized the world was not yet ready for hydrogen energy. Billings Energy Corporation continues the development and commercialization of the Billings Fuel Cell and other hydrogen energy technologies including metal hydride storage, and hydrogen production equipment. Billings not only proved that modern automobiles could be converted to run on hydrogen fuel, but he advanced and perfected internal combustion engine conversions, inventing ways to deal with such obstacles as nitric oxide air pollution, backfire, and the safe storage of hydrogen onboard the vehicle. His developmental work in hydrogen storage, after an exhaustive effort to utilize several undesirable options, finally resulted in metal hydride storage. [21][22][23]
(for which he received a number of patents....)
William A. Rhodes
William A. Rodes July 26, 1966, William A. Rhodes was the first to obtain a patent using a common delivery duct for both gases. Prior patents relating to generation of hydrogen and oxygen from water are separately collected and ducted out of the generator for delivery of H2 and O2. "Perhaps the only reason such mixed gases were not discovered and used before was fear of explosion. Exhaustive tests at my laboratory revealed they were harmless compared with tank gases". [24]
Apparatus for the electrolytic production of hydrogen and oxygen for the safe consumption thereof
Referenced by
Electrolysis apparatus - Stephen Horvath
Welding - Yull Brown
Arc-assisted oxy/hydrogen welding
Apparatus for generating a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for producing a hot flame
Renewable fuel generating system
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Apparatus for generating energy using cyclic combustion of brown gas
Hydrogen-fueled visual flame gas fireplace
Heating apparatus using thermal reaction of brown gas
Multicell oxyhydrogen generator
refererenced by
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Renewable fuel generating system
Electrolytic gas producer method and apparatus
Bipolar electrolytic cell
Electrolytic filter press cell for producing a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen
Arc-assisted oxy/hydrogen welding
Daniel Dingle
1968, Philippine inventor developed several technologies and is said to have converted 100 cars to run on water. Ethos free energy is working with Daniel Dingle. They have set up a new foundation to help bring these products to the world whilst helping Daniel to raise money to help his fellow Filipino people. [25]
Initially he was heating oil vapor though the exhaust system to the carburetor or throttle body where by adding steam or a water mist from his radiator a water and oil emulsion is produced which achieves smaller droplet size (secondary atomization) When this fuel enters the combustion chamber, it is atomized into 75 to 100 micron sized droplets. The emulsified water within each drop of oil flashes into steam, exploding it into thousands of smaller droplets. Secondary atomization can increase the combustible surface area per volume of fuel oil by as much as 100 times.
Furthermore he implemented several different modifications of his ignition coil set up. One of them involves using a capacitor e.g. 1000uf at 50-100volt. Put the positive of the capacitor on the positive of the coil and put the negative side of the capacitor to earth of the car. This makes a heaps bigger spark to burn oil and is also good for burning oil in a smoky engine to reduce the smoke.
He uses an extra capacitor as amperage is the key to a bigger spark not high voltage. To avoid burning the points one can put 2 condensers in parallel. Don't forget to modify the map sensor or it gets tricked into putting more fuel in if it senses a vacuum change.[63]
Water powered fuel cell [application]
Archie H. Blue
In 1970, Archie Blue, from Christchurch, New Zealand, patented and demonstrated publicly and before experts a device that fit in the motor compartment of a car which converted water into combustible hydrogen and oxygen.[39]
Electrolytic cell
Water purification apparatus - John D. Kynaston
Process for the production of compounds by gas reactions and appratus therefor - Charles B. Jacobs
Method of and apparatus for promoting chemical reactions between gases - Samuel Ruben
Method of and apparatus for purifying liquids - Meredith D. Avery
Electrolytic water purifier - Thomas J. Curtis
Process for carrying out electrochemical reactions - Ernst Berl
Process for the production of hydrides and/or halogenated hydrides of the elements boron and silicon - Eduard Enk and Julius Nickl
Apparatus for producing hydrogen and oxygen - Lev Mikhailovich Proskuryakov
Electrolytic pilot igniter - William R. Staats, Robert B. Rosenberg, Esher R. Kweller
Referenced by
Electrolysis fuel supplementation apparatus for combustion engines
Bipolar electrolytic cell
Container system
Hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell
System for generating hydrogen and oxygen
Method and means for hydrogen and oxygen generation
Yull Brown
Main article: Yull Brown
1974, Browns gas (named after Yull Brown ) is made in a common ducted electrolyzer using direct current. The gas is a stable "mixture" of di-atomic and mon-atomic hydrogen and oxygen with a higher energy state than diatomic hydrogen. The water molecules are not totally separated, they are still 'held under a pressure', causing the water molecules to behave differently. This becomes evident when we apericate how Oxyethylene can achieve a temperature of 6300 degrees Fahrenheit but it takes over 10,500 degrees Fahrenheit to sublimate Tungsten. The burn temperature of browns gas depends on the target material rather than the flame itself. It burns faster with higher efficiency than any other gas mix. The flame front propagates at 3 km/second compared with only 10 m/sec for oxy-acetylene. This means that with the gas burned at high pressure extremely intense heat can be produced in a tiny volume. 1860 liters of gas is produced for each liter of water Browns gas eliminates many of the disadvantages associated with conventional gas welding like dangerous oxy-acetylene bottles, it is far less expensively, much faster and it doesn't pollute the atmosphere. Brown also devised a way of storing the gas. Brown's Gas can efficiently neutralize radioactive waste though transmutation right at the reactor Yull brown documented and patented the implosive properties of Brownsgas. Brown converted a Mazda and a Holden car and various other motors and vehicles to run on nothing but water. Australian experts who have examined Mr Brown’s work have agreed that he has made a notable breakthrough in the field of oxy-hydrogen experiments.
Electrolytic decomposing apparatus - Max Haas
Electrolytic apparatus - F. Lawaczeck
Instrument for manintaining constant oxygen partial pressure and measuring oxygen consumption - Peter Moyat
Oxygen enricher for combustion engines - Lee L. McDonald, Jr.
Apparatus for electrolytic production of hydrogen and oxygen for the safe consumption thereof - William A. Rhodes
Multicell oxyhydrogen generator - William A. Rhodes
Referenced by
Water decomposing apparatus - Ernst Spirig
Detonating gas generator - Ernst Spirig
Polycell gas generator - Richard M. Haas
Gas generator - Richard W. Henes
Combustion control with flames - Arnold O. Isenberg
Fuel igniter - Harry C. McCord, Jr.
Hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell - Gene B. Stowe
Apparatus for generating a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for producing a hot flame - Huang C. Chiang
Extraction installation for hydrogen and oxygen - Yang C. Lin
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell - J. W. Pettigrew, Gregory R. Monette, David H. Hirsch
Electrolysis systems - Spiro Ross Spiros
Electrolysis systems - Spiro Ross Spiros
Method of combusting a water/fossil fuel mixed emulsion and combustion apparatus - Masahiro Mori, Toshiyasu Satoh
Electrolytic device - Michael Fletcher Verrier
Renewable fuel generating system - Steve McFarland, Wilbur Jones
Rich oxygen gas generator - Yang-Chen Lin
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen - Stephen Barrie Chambers Xogen Power Inc.
Hydrogen-fueled visual flame gas fireplace - John S. Fleming, Arthur Morris Lister
Method for fusing bone during endoscopy procedures - Wayne K. Auge, II
Mixed gas generator - Dennis Klein
Heating apparatus using thermal reaction of brown gas
Methods and devices for electrosurgery
Gas-collecting electrets as magneto-electrolysis cell components
Method for achieving tissue changes in bone or bone-derived tissue
Treatment of a waste stream through production and utilization of oxyhydrogen gas
Automatic test program generation method
Arc-assisted oxy/hydrogen welding
Referenced by
4138210 Controlling the pressure of a gas generator
4785158 Flame arrestor and method of manufacture
5022848 Apparatus and method for heating a waste disposal system
5407348 Torch with integral flashback arrestors and check valves
5409371 Oxygen welding and incorporating a novel gas separation system
6198068 Method for plasma brazing
6314918 Renewable fuel generating system
6401445 Electrolysis system and method for improving fuel atomization and combustion
6419815 Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
6443725 Apparatus for generating energy using cyclic combustion of brown gas
6525293 Method for closing and/or joining a connecting joint or joining seam between two pieces of galvanized sheet metal
6740436 Hydrogen/oxygen generating system with temperature control
6899261 Method and arrangement for a martensite-free brazing process
7014740 Brown gas mass production apparatus including a line style electrolytic cell - Yull Brown
7363614 Automatic test program generation method
7389753 System and process for improving engine performance
Brown gas mass production apparatus including a line style electrolytic cell
4081656 Arc-assisted oxy/hydrogen welding
4399020 Device for waste water treatment
5753096 Method for the surface treatment of parts
5993618 Device for generating oxygen or a mixture of ozone and oxygen
6630061 Apparatus for generating a mixture gas of oxygen and hydrogen
Brown Gas Mass Production Apparatus including a Line Style Electrolytic Cell
China Patent No. 03123410.0
Brown Gas Mass Production Apparatus (1)
South Korea Patent No. 0275504
Brown Gas Mass Production Apparatus (2)
South Korea Patent No. 0450835
Large capacity Brown Gas Generator
Japan Patent No. 3130014
high-efficiency gas generator
South Korea Patent No. 0503886
high-efficiency gas generator
Japan Patent No. 282337
high-efficiency gas generator
China Patent No. 03149622.9
arithmetic gas generator
South Korea Patent No. 117445
Brown gas supply system
South Korea Patent No. 0497873
automatic temperature control device
South Korea Patent No. 0083734
Brown gas heating unit
U.S. Patent No. 761558
Brown Gas, heating unit
International Patent No. KR00/00942
Brown Gas, heating unit (1)
South Korea Patent No., 0378851
Brown Gas, heating unit (2)
South Korea Patent No.0040934
Brown gas to heat
South Korea Patent No.0415224
Brown Gas, heating unit
China Patent No.2200814523.7
Japan Patent No. 3253608
Brown Gas Heating Furnace
U.S. Patent No. 6397834
Brown gas to heat
China Patent No. 00106896.2
energy by the combustion cycle of water creating a device
South Korea Patent No. 0379768
Apparatus for generating energy using cyclic combustion of Brown gas
U.S. Patent No. 6443725
energy by the combustion cycle of water creating a device
China Patent No. CN1287259A
Energy by the combustion cycle of water creating a device
Japan Patent No. 0533399
Stephen Horvath
1974, Hungarian inventor Stephen Horvath[68] discovered a safe thermonuclear reaction that produces a mixture of highly ionized hydrogen and oxygen gases by combining electrolysis and radiolysis. In 1979 Stephen Horvath converted a 1974 Ford Fairlane to use water as it's fuel, the vehicle was then demonstrated in Brisbane's City Plaza, Queensland, Australia, on July 14, 1980. Driven in to the plaza and emitted an impressive jet of steam from its exhaust.[26] The engine was not finished and Stephen Horvath is currently working on muon catalyzed fusion at Star Scientific Limited.[69]
Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines
Hydro-oxygen generator - Charles H. Frazer
Gas generator - Martin Boisen
Apparatus for electrolysis - Walter Holland
Apparatus for electrolytically producing oxygen and hydrogen - Asa B. Carmichael
Two stroke cycle internal combustion engine - John E. Fragale
3330755 (unknown)
3648668 (unknown)
3755128 (unknown)
Referenced by
4071004 Electro-static fuel mixture system
4184931 Method of electrolytically generating hydrogen and oxygen for use in a torch or the like
4369737 Hydrogen-oxygen generator
4382189 Hydrogen supplemented diesel electric locomotive
4454850 Apparatus and method for energy conversion
4465455 Start-up/shut-down for a hydrogen gas burner
4707229 Method for evolution of oxygen with ternary electrocatalysts containing valve metals
4795537 Electrical conditioning system for electrodes in an electrolysis cell
5196104 Oxygen and hydrogen gas driven turbine
5293857 Hydrogen gas fuel and management system for an internal combustion engine utilizing hydrogen gas fuel
5452688 Method and apparatus for enhancing combustion in internal combustion engines
5632870 Energy generation apparatus
6126794 Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
6289884 Intake air separation system for an internal combustion engine
6314918 Renewable fuel generating system
6419815 Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
6453893 Intake air separation system for an internal combustion engine
6543428 Intake air separation system for an internal combustion engine
6719817 Cavitation hydrogen generator
6877556 Electrochemical process for effecting redox-enhanced oil recovery
6896789 Electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit comprising the same
6925980 Integrated powertrain control system for large engines
6994076 Electrostatic droplet collector with replaceable electrode
7082897 Electrostatic precipitator with pulsed high voltage power supply
7143722 Electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit comprising the same
7160472 Treatment of a waste stream through production and utilization of oxyhydrogen gas
7240641 Hydrogen generating apparatus and components therefor
7322409 Method and system for producing methane gas from methane hydrate formations
7325604 Method for enhancing oil production using electricity
Electrolysis method for producing hydrogen and oxygen
Referenced by
4265721 Commercial hydrogen gas production by electrolysis of water while being subjected to microwave energy
4316782 Electrolytic process for the production of ozone
4394230 Method and apparatus for splitting water molecules
4419329 Device for producing hydrogen and oxygen gases
4747925 Apparatus for simultaneous generation of oxygen and hydrogen gases
5402637 Igniter plug extender for a turbine engine combustor
5452688 Method and apparatus for enhancing combustion in internal combustion engines
5942098 Method of treatment of water and method and composition for recovery of precious metal
6126794 Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
6419815 Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
6669827 Systems and methods for affecting the ultra-fast photodissociation of water molecules
6790324 Hydrogen producing apparatus
6818094 Reciprocating gas valve for pulsing a gas
6994319 Membrane gas valve for pulsing a gas
7125480 Methods for affecting the ultra-fast photodissociation of water molecules
7384619 Method for generating hydrogen from water or steam in a plasma
Mihai Rusetel
In 1980, Romanian engineer Mihai Rusetel build his first water engine out of his 3 models total. The technology was obtained from Third Reich chemist and engineer Professor Ionescu who taught him how to produce more steam with less heat.[59][60][61][62]
Water Engine
Watermoved engine - IBE KIJIROU
Andrija Puharich
Dr. Andrija Puharich in 1983, made complex electrical waveforms resonate water molecules and shatter them. This freed hydrogen and oxygen, creating a new kind of environment-friendly fuel made of water.[27] [28] Dr Andrija Puharich reportedly drove his motor home for hundreds of thousands of miles around North America in the 1970s using only water as fuel.[29] According to Dr. Puharich the basic cycle of using water for fuel is described in the following two equations, familiar to every high school student of Chemistry:
H2O Electrolysis + 249.68 Btu Delta G H2 + (1/2)O2 per mole of water (1 mole = 18 gms) (1)
This means that it requires 249.688 Btu of energy (from electricity) to break water by electrical fission into the gases hydrogen and oxygen.
H2 and (1/2)O2 + catalyst H2O - Delta H 302.375 Btu per mole of water. (2)
This means that 302.375 Btu of energy (heat or electricity) will be released when the gases, hydrogen and oxygen, combine. The end product (the exhaust) from this reaction is water. Note that more energy (under ideal conditions) is released from combining the gases than is used to free them from water. It is know that under ideal conditions it is possible to get some 20% more energy out of reaction (2) above, then it takes to produce the gases of reaction (1) above. Therefore, if reaction (1) could be carried out at 100% efficiency, the release of energy from reaction (2) in an optimally efficient engine (such as a low temperature fuel cell), there would be a net energy profit which would make the use of water as a fuel an economically feasible source of energy.[28][29]
His hydrogen injector uses radiolysis, electrolysis and super heated steam 1600 atmosphere, heavy water (deuterium oxide).12V battery with 1200 watt converter, a magnatron to make processed distilled water ionised , then a 4 bridge diode to transform back to dc but at much high a voltage, makes plasma ignition, and no air filter (daniel dingle says this) redesigned diesel injector or spark plug, tip cut off to earth to outer case of plug. made of palladium/gold cathode. hit it with a plasma ignitor, will make a steam engine basics. tesla coil effect/lightening strikes 84khz so the following frequencies add up. distilled water from microwave with 3 per cent koh which is baking soda in a modified diesel engine. vacuum downstroke of the engine. Hit with 42712.2hz then 21356.1hz then 10678.05hz in harmony. [30][31]
Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules
Method and apparatus for improving neural performance in human subjects by electrotherapy - Dr. Andrija Puharich
Puharich blood storage method - Dr. Andrija Puharich
Electrolysis method for producing hydrogen and oxygen - Stephen Horvath
Referenced by
Gas generator voltage control circuit - Stanley A. Meyer
Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen - Xogen Power Inc.
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen - Xogen Power Inc.
Hydrogen producing apparatus - Xogen Power Inc.
Method and apparatus for improving neural performance in human subjects by electrotherapy
Puharich blood storage method
Stanley Allan Meyer
Main article: Stanley Allan Meyer
Stan Meyer discovered means of distortion and polarization of the water molecule resulting in the H:OH bonding tearing itself apart under the electrostatic potential gradient, of a resonance within the molecule which amplifies the effect. Meyer's water fuel cell uses tap water without electrolyte, consumes milliamps, functions at voltage in the killo volt range and remained cold after hours of gas production. The electrodes (excitors) are made from parallel plates of stainless steel formed in either flat or concentric topography. Gas production varies at the inverse of the distance between them; spacing of 1.5 mm produces satisfactory results. The cell uses an external inductance which resonates with the capacitance of the cell to produce a parallel resonant circuit. This is excited by a high power pulse generator which, together with the cell capacitance and a rectifier diode, forms a charge pump circuit. High frequency pulses build a rising staircase DC potential across the electrodes of the cell until a point is reached where the water breaks down and a momentary high current flows. A current measuring circuit in the supply detects this breakdown and removes the pulse drive for a few cycles allowing the water to "recover". Gas production increases as the plates are moved closer together and decreased when separated. Increasing and decreasing the voltage is used to control gas production. Meyer converted and drove a VW buggy on the gas for the last four years using a chain of six cylindrical cells, the engine also used photon stimulation of the reactor space by optical fibre piped laser light to increase gas production.[32]
The hardware involved has been experimentally examined by Dr. Eugene Antonov, Dr. Vladimir Dresyiannikov, Dr. Tibor Nagypal, Roy Azevedo, Peter Graneau, Charles Millet, Neal Graneau, Gary Johnson, Rea O’Neill, Prof. Mike Laughton, Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin, Dr Keith Hindley, US military, US Patent Office experts and the Pantent Office seconded experts by whom the claims have been established. The basic WFC was subjected to three years of testing. This raises the granted patents to the level of independent, critical, scientific and engineering confirmation that the devices actually perform as claimed.
Hydrogen gas injector system for internal combustion engine
Device for preventing back-firing - Gaston Dores, Lucien Girard
Apparatus for supplying gas to in - Alvin H. Kruse
Burning rate control in hydrogen fuel combustor - Kimitaka Yamane, Zene Ueno, Akira Morita, Tadahiko Nagaoka, Shigeo Iwaki
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell for use with internal combustion engines - Patrick Dufour
Fuel and lubricating oil supply device - Haruyoshi Tsubouchi
Referenced by
Combustion process and fuel supply system for engines - Nigel F. Gale
Method of controlling the supply of fuel in hydrogen-fueled engine - Isao Fujii, Yoshio Ajiki, Yoichi Ishida, Hiromi Matsuura
Hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell - Gene B. Stowe
Hydrogen gas fuel and management system for an internal combustion engine utilizing hydrogen gas fuel - Stanley Meyer
Fuel supply systems for engines and combustion processes therefor -
Biogas-driven generator set -
Vapor fueled engine -
System and method for auto-ignition support -
Vapor fueled engine -
Vapor fueled engine - Raymond Bryce Bushnell, Danny Robert Lewis, Robert William Parry
Vapor fueled engine - Raymond Bryce Bushnell, Danny Robert Lewis
Vapor fueled engine - Raymond Bryce Bushnell, Danny Robert Lewis, Robert William Parry
Hydrogen gas burner
Air and gas burner - Jasper M. Walters
Gas generating burner - Charles L. Ruhl
Burner - John A. Johnson
Liquid fuel burner having reduced thermal stress and rapid start-up time - Robert Reichhelm
Pollutant reduction with selective gas stack recirculation - Paul G. La Haye
Reduction of pollutants in gaseous hydrocarbon combustion products Paul G. La Haye
Referenced by
Combustion chamber for heating devices
Combustion chamber for heating devices
Perforated flame deflector
Heating mantle with a porous radiation wall
Radiant tube furnace and method of burning a fuel
Method and apparatus for thermal destruction of waste
Regenerative combustion device
Method of operating a furnace
Method for introducing fuel and/or thermal energy into a gas stream
Start-up/shut-down for a hydrogen gas burner
Fuel burner control system - Robert E. Prouty and Charles E. Payne
Burner control apparatus - William A. Reichow
Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines - Stephen Horvath
Glow coil ignition system with flame sensing - Denis G. Wolfe
Referenced by
Control unit for burner assembly
Method and apparatus for controlling kiln - Herb G. A. Wilson, Jeffery Thompson, Robert Perricone, Michael Barkdoll
Apparatus for generating energy using cyclic combustion of brown gas - Sang Nam Kim
Heating apparatus using thermal reaction of brown gas - Sang Nam Kim
Gas electrical hydrogen generator
Permanent magnet hydrogen oxygen generating cells
Magnetically stabilized fluid cross-flow contactor having support means and process for using the same
Solar collector system employing particulate energy collecting media
Electrolysis apparatus for decomposing water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas
Hydrogen gas burner
Energy conversion system
Referenced by
Water electrolysis - Franz H. Schubert, David J. Grigger
Magnetic fluid power generator device and method for generating power -
Method and airbag inflation apparatus employing magnetic fluid
Magnetic fluid cushioning device for a footwear or shoe
Electrical pulse generator
Improvement in magneto-electric machine
Improvement in magneto-electric machine
Elelectric motors and generators - E.B. Esters
Inside-out dynamo-electric machine
Referenced by
Centrifugal force magnetic field variator
Electromagnetic machine with at least one pair of concentric rings having modularized magnets and yokes
Gas generator voltage control circuit
Electrolysis apparatus
Method of electrolytically generating hydrogen and oxygen for use in a torch or the like
Method and apparatus for producing hydrogen
High voltage electrolytic cell
Method and apparatus for splitting water molecules
Gas generator with regulated current source (4424105) - Robert M. Hanson
Sterilization apparatus
Electrolysis method for decomposing water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas
Referenced by
Energy generation apparatus
Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Hydrogen producing apparatus
Controlled process for the production of thermal energy from gases and apparatus useful therefore
Dry etching method
Apparatus and process for production of amorphous semiconductor
Laser produced iron carbide-based catalysts
Removal of unsaturated hydrocarbons in anhydrous hydrogen halide by infrared laser radiation
Referenced by
Process and apparatus for the production of fuel gas and the enhanced release of thermal energy from such gas
Energy generation apparatus
Method for the production of a fuel gas
Method of making a composite product of strengthened, water-blown, flexible polyurethane foam - Edwin Morgan Maxey
Passive hydrogel fuel generator - Charles W. Neefe
Process and apparatus for thermolytically dissociating water - Andre Vialaron, Gabriel Olalde, Daniel Gauthier
Referenced by
Process and apparatus for the production of fuel gas and the enhanced release of thermal energy from such gas
Energy generation apparatus May
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Process and apparatus for the production of fuel gas and the enhanced release of thermal energy from such gas
Referenced by
Energy generation apparatus
Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Hydrogen producing apparatus
Hydrogen gas fuel and management system for an internal combustion engine utilizing hydrogen gas fuel
Vaporization of exhaust products in hydrogen-oxygen engine - Paul Bertrand Dieges
Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines -
Burning rate control in hydrogen fuel combustor -
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell for use with internal combustion engines -
Hydrogen gas injector system for internal combustion engine -
Process for producing acetylene using a heterogeneous mixture -
Apparatus for improving internal combustion engine efficiency -
Referenced by
Hydrogen enriched natural gas as a clean motor fuel -
Hydrogen enriched natural gas as a motor fuel with variable air fuel ratio and fuel mixture ratio control -
Hydrogen fueled power plant system -
Method for preparing an air-fuel mixture for an internal combustion engine, device for realizing the same and heat-exchanger -
Hydrogen generating apparatus -
Gas specie electron-jump chemical energy converter -
Hydrogen generation apparatus for internal combustion engines and method thereof -
Vapor fueled engine -
Internal combustion engine with SCR and integrated ammonia production -
Portable hydrogen generation using metal emulsions -
Electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit comprising the same -
Vapor fueled engine -
Hydrogen powered scooter -
Surface catalyst infra red laser -
Vapor fueled engine -
Vapor fueled engine -
Hydrogen-electric hybrid vehicle construction -
Gas specie electron-jump chemical energy converter -
Quantum well energizing method and apparatus -
Electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit comprising the same -
Vehicle with a combustion engine and a fuel cell device -
Electron-jump chemical energy converter -
Pulsed electron jump generator -
Hydrogen generating apparatus and components therefor -
Control system for hydrogen addition internal combustion engine -
Diode energy converter for chemical kinetic electron energy transfer -
Vapor fueled engine -
Tay-Hee Hau
In 1982, Korean sientist Tay-Hee Hau was granted one of the earlier patents regarding the use of high voltage to decompose water, it contains some useful information regarding dielectric constant with respect to high voltage electric field ionization and covalent bond strength. Combined with 2 old CRT television or video monitor flyback transformers and some simple circuitry (HVPS circuits from the web), you might find this experiment quite enlightening and interesting.[33]
Water decomposition method and device using ionization by collision
Referenced by
Method for generating hydrogen - Earl V. Cardinal
Carl Cella
1983, Carl Cela converted a 1979 Cadilac Coupe de Ville to run on water.
Free energy news: Water-Fuel Generator Kit by inventor Carl Cella
Josef Hasslberger: hydrogen, plan1.gif, plan2.gif
Cyberspace orbit: fuelcell, illustrations, P11.GIF, P21.GIF, Hydrogen Generator, Operating Unit, water fuel systems
Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishmann
In 1989 Pons and Fleishmann sucessfully produced room temprature fusion. In 1991 Eugene Malove documented how, when, where and why scientists had succeeded to replicate said controlled nuclear fusion at room temprature.[34] In fact hundreds of laboratories did sucessfully replicate the experiment consuming hundreds of millions of Euro only to be subjected to media idiocy.[35]
Herman P. Anderson
Herman P. Anderson has invented and patented technologies which allow internal combustion engines to run on hydrogen gas and achieve full power. On Aug 4, 1997, Herman has overcome the common problem of poor performance by re-inventing the sparkplug and developing a system that increases the mass energy density of the hydrogen fuel being used. Born in the rolling expanse of Middle Tennessee in 1917, Herman was an extraordinary gentleman with profound ideas. During his life he has worked as a farmer, chauffeur, welder, pilot, physicist and inventor. He has also consulted with NASA and the US Airforce on some of our country's most important Top-Secret projects. These unique experiences and their effect on his life have led him to an insight that is changing our world, and saving the planet.[36] [37]
Wednesday, October 29, 1958 Herman demonstrated an experimental model of his car of the space age in Nashville.[38]
The internal combustion engine fuel system described includes a structure for mixing the alternative fuel, preferably hydrogen, with oxygen in ambient air to stratify the fuel. The system includes an adapter, and the adapter includes a housing mounted between spark plug and cylinder of the internal combustion engine. A plug is placed within the housing. The plug has ridges or grooves on its outer surface that act as mixing structures. Thus, when hydrogen is introduced into the adapter housing it is mixed with ambient oxygen within the chamber as it flows over the plug. The mixing structures in the housing create a vortexing action as the hydrogen flows over the plug and towards the cylinder of the engine. An electrode protrudes from the plug towards the cylinder. The electrode is preferably platinum and generates the necessary spark to create combustion of the hydrogen/air mixture adjacent to the cylinder to thereby power the cylinder in the engine. A platinum electrode is preferably used because it enhances a catalytic conversion of combustion by-products to more environmentally compatible products.
Fuel system for internal combustion system and adapter for use in same
igniter system for internal combustion
Fuel injection-spark ignition system for an internal combustion engine
Pre-combustion system for internal combustion engines
Devices for supplementing conventional liquid fuels in internal combustion engines with gaseous fuel supplements
Fuel injection spark plug
Fuel injector
Ignition source for internal combustion engine
Internal combustion engines
Referenced by
Hydrogen powered vehicle, internal combustion engine, and spark plug for use in same
Combustion enhancement system and method
Hydrogen and liquid fuel injection system
Methods for hydrogen storage using doped alanate compositions
Hydrogen storage, distribution, and recovery system
Solid-state hydrogen storage systems
Hydrogen gas injector plug
Hydrogen powered vehicle, internal combustion engine, and spark plug for use in same
Sparkplug - Edgar B. Holmes
Engine afterburner - Albert G. Vanderpoel
Combined fuel vapor injector and igniter system for internal combustion engines - Ervin Leshner and Michael D. Leshner
Fuel injection-spark ignition system for an internal combustion engine - Roy E. McAlister
Method for reducing pollution due to an internal combustion engine - Roland R. C. Beyler
RFI-suppressing ignition system for an internal combustion engine -
Pre-combustion system for internal combustion engines -
Devices for supplementing conventional liquid fuels in internal combustion engines with gaseous fuel supplements
Fuel injection spark plug
Fuel injector
Process for burning a carbonaceous fuel using a high energy alternating current wave
Fuel system for internal combustion system and adapter for use in same
Yoshiro Nakamats
In 1990 Dr Nakamats, build his Nostradamvs Engine II, later he developed his ENEREX system capible of powering a car.
System for generating hydrogen and oxygen
Electrolytic cell
Electrolysis cell for water dissolution
Integrated photovoltaic electrolytic cell
Hydrogen-oxygen generator
Electrolysis fuel supplementation apparatus for combustion engines
Method and apparatus for electrolyzing water
Apparatus and method for generating hydrogen and oxygen by electrolytic dissociation of water
Referenced by
Method and device for catalytic nitrogen oxide reduction of motor vehicle exhaust
Method and apparatus featuring a non-consumable anode for the electrowinning of aluminum
Gasification device
Electrolyzed water production apparatus
Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Oxygen and hydrogen generator apparatus for internal combustion engines
Hydrogen-oxygen/hydrocarbon fuel system for internal combustion engine
Electrolysis system and method for improving fuel atomization and combustion
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Hybrid electric vehicle having alternate power sources
Hydrogen powered toy rocket utilizing hydrogen from the electrolysis of water
Hybrid electric vehicle having alternate power sources
Electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit comprising the same
Hybrid electric vehicle having alternate power sources
Hydrogen powered toy rocket utilizing hydrogen from the electrolysis of water
System and method for generating high pressure hydrogen
Electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit comprising the same
Method and means for hydrogen and oxygen generation
William H. Richardson, Jr.
1998, William H. Richardson developed the AquaFuel process, it encompasses an electric discharge on carbon rods within ordinary, sea or other forms of water. The discharge decomposes the carbon rods, separates the water and creates a plasma of mostly ionised hydrogen, oxygen and carbon atoms at about 5,000 degrees C. The atoms combine in various forms, cool down in the water surrounding the discharge and bubble to the surface where they are collected and stored.[40]
Electrical Power Generation Without Harmful Emissions
Gas-operated internal combustion engine - Francisco Pacheco
3946711 Hydrogen fired ignition system for internal combustion engines
4003344 Fuel regenerated non-polluting internal combustion engine
4085709 Hydrogen fuel system for a vehicle
4271793 Internal combustion engine
4344831 Apparatus for the generation of gaseous fuel
4369737 Hydrogen-oxygen generator
4442801 Electrolysis fuel supplementation apparatus for combustion engines
4520764 Starter for an alcohol engine
4702894 Hydrogen supply unit
5007381 Method to decrease black smoke of diesel
5159900 Method and means of generating gas from water for use as a fuel
Referenced by
5692459 Pollution-free vehicle operation
5826548 Power generation without harmful emissions
5852927 Integrated plasmatron-turbine system for the production and utilization of hydrogen-rich gas
5899175 Hybrid electric-combustion power plant
5992354 Combustion of nanopartitioned fuel
6127055 Multi-source electrical drive system
6183604 Durable and efficient equipment for the production of a combustible and non-pollutant gas from underwater arcs and method therefor
6209494 Hybrid fuel-cell electric-combustion power system using complete pyrolysis
6263838 Vehicle fuel generation and pollution-free operation
6299656 Non-fossil fuel additives for predominantly hydrocarbon fuels
6540966 Apparatus and method for recycling contaminated liquids
6554975 Liquid gasification reactor
6606855 Plasma reforming and partial oxidation of hydrocarbon fuel vapor to produce synthesis gas and/or hydrogen gas
6663752 Clean burning liquid fuel produced via a self-sustaining processing of liquid feedstock
6673322 Apparatus for making a novel, highly efficient, nonpollutant, oxygen rich and cost competitive combustible gas and associated method
6804950 Plasma reforming and partial oxidation of hydrocarbon fuel vapor to produce synthesis gas and/or hydrogen gas
7216484 Arc-hydrolysis steam generator apparatus and method
Pollution-Free Vehicle Operation
4003344 Fuel regenerated non-polluting internal combustion engine
4168685 Fuel metering device for internal combustion engines and fuel systems incorporating such device
4335429 Control apparatus for engine/electric hybrid vehicle
5159900 Method and means of generating gas from water for use as a fuel
5435274 Electrical power generation without harmful emissions
Referenced by
5899175 Hybrid electric-combustion power plant
6183604 Durable and efficient equipment for the production of a combustible and non-pollutant gas from underwater arcs and method therefor
6209494 Hybrid fuel-cell electric-combustion power system using complete pyrolysis
6263838 Vehicle fuel generation and pollution-free operation
6299656 Non-fossil fuel additives for predominantly hydrocarbon fuels
6540966 Apparatus and method for recycling contaminated liquids
6554975 Liquid gasification reactor
6663752 Clean burning liquid fuel produced via a self-sustaining processing of liquid feedstock
6673322 Apparatus for making a novel, highly efficient, nonpollutant, oxygen rich and cost competitive combustible gas and associated method
7040430 Cogeneration vehicle system utilizing a fuel cell car and a mobile unit as a component of the system
7213664 Cogeneration vehicle system utilizing a fuel cell car, and a mobile unit as a component of the system
Electric Arc Material Processing System
Electrical retort
Hydrogen supply unit
Referenced by
Durable and efficient equipment for the production of a combustible and non-pollutant gas from underwater arcs and method therefor
Process for producing aquafuel by using carbon fiber bundle electrodes
Non-fossil fuel additives for predominantly hydrocarbon fuels
Apparatus and method for recycling contaminated liquids
Liquid gasification reactor
Clean burning liquid fuel produced via a self-sustaining processing of liquid feedstock
Apparatus for making a novel, highly efficient, nonpollutant, oxygen rich and cost competitive combustible gas and associated method
Arc-hydrolysis steam generator apparatus and method
Carbon monoxide improves outcomes in tissue and organ transplants and suppresses apoptosis
Methods of treating vascular disease
Power Generation without Harmful Emissions
Gas-operated internal combustion engine - Francisco Pacheco
Fuel regenerated non-polluting internal combustion engine
Method to decrease black smoke of diesel
Method and means of generating gas from water for use as a fuel
Supplement fuel generator for vehicle engines
Electrical power generation without harmful emissions
and other US Patents
Xogen Technologies
2003, has developed a system that produces power as a byproduct of waste-water treatment. The system could potentially clean oceans.[41]
Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Hydrogen-oxygen device in combustion engines - Georg S. Mittelstaedt
3980053 Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines
4107008 Electrolysis method for producing hydrogen and oxygen
4184931 Method of electrolytically generating hydrogen and oxygen for use in a torch or the like
4316787 High voltage electrolytic cell
4384943 Fluid treatment
4394230 Method and apparatus for splitting water molecules
4470894 Nickel electrodes for water electrolyzers
4599158 Circular coil electrolysis apparatus
4755305 Continuous dewatering method
4798661 Gas generator voltage control circuit
5205994 Electrolytic ozone generator
5304289 Method and apparatus for treating water
5324398 Capacitive discharge control circuit for use with electrolytic fluid treatment systems
5376242 Method of cleaning water and apparatus therefor
5399251 System for generating hydrogen and oxygen
5435894 Process and apparatus for improving quality of water
5599437 Electrolysis of electroactive species using pulsed current
5614078 Method and apparatus for removing nitrates from water
5632870 Energy generation apparatus
5695650 Method for dewatering previously-dewatered municipal waste-water sludges using high electrical voltage
5698107 Treatment for acid mine drainage
Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Apparatus for the electrolytic production op hydrogen and oxygen for the safe consumption thereof - William A. Rhodes and Raymond A. Henes
Multicell oxyhydrogen generator - William A. Rhodes
Hydrogen-oxygen device in combustion engines - Georg S. Mittelstaedt
3954592 Electrolysis apparatus
3980053 Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines
4014777 Welding
4081656 Arc-assisted oxy/hydrogen welding
4107008 Electrolysis method for producing hydrogen and oxygen
4184931 Method of electrolytically generating hydrogen and oxygen for use in a torch or the like
4316787 High voltage electrolytic cell
4384943 Fluid treatment
4394230 Method and apparatus for splitting water molecules
4470894 Nickel electrodes for water electrolyzers
4599158 Circular coil electrolysis apparatus
4755305 Continuous dewatering method
4798661 Gas generator voltage control circuit
4936961 Method for the production of a fuel gas
5205944 Universal cornering system
5304289 Method and apparatus for treating water
5324398 Capacitive discharge control circuit for use with electrolytic fluid treatment systems
5376242 Method of cleaning water and apparatus therefor
5399251 System for generating hydrogen and oxygen
5435894 Process and apparatus for improving quality of water
5599437 Electrolysis of electroactive species using pulsed current
5614078 Method and apparatus for removing nitrates from water
5632870 Energy generation apparatus
5695650 Method for dewatering previously-dewatered municipal waste-water sludges using high electrical voltage
5698107 Treatment for acid mine drainage
6126794 Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Referenced by
7160472 Treatment of a waste stream through production and utilization of oxyhydrogen gas
7410557 Hydrogen activating apparatus
Hydrogen producing apparatus
Hydrogen-oxygen device in combustion engines - Georg S. Mittelstaedt
3954592 Electrolysis apparatus
4107008 Electrolysis method for producing hydrogen and oxygen
4184931 Method of electrolytically generating hydrogen and oxygen for use in a torch or the like
4316787 High voltage electrolytic cell
4394230 Method and apparatus for splitting water molecules
4599158 Circular coil electrolysis apparatus
4798661 Gas generator voltage control circuit
5338421 Method of and apparatus for separation by agglomeration
5632870 Energy generation apparatus
Referenced by
7216484 Arc-hydrolysis steam generator apparatus and method
Philipp M. Kanarev
Philipp M. Kanarev
In 1995, Professor Ph. M. Kanarev began his investigations of the water electrolysis process in order to obtain additional energy. It had been determined that there are such modes of plasma electrolysis of water when up to 100% of additional thermal energy takes place, but a thousandfold increase of energy, announced by Pons & Fleishman, was not jet confirmed. The calculations have shown that an increase of thermal energy by 100% with the unstable reproducibility of such a result has no prospects for industrial implementation. At least 300% increase of thermal energy is necessary.
If we take into consideration energy of hydrogen and oxygen, which are released from water together with additional thermal energy, it will be possible to get more than 300% of additional energy.
Modern industrial installations require 4 kWh for production of 1 cubic meter of hydrogen from water. When this hydrogen is burnt, 3.6 kWh of energy is released. If the energy expenses for production of hydrogen from water are reduced by twofold or threefold, it becomes a competitive energy carrier. If it is possible to reduce these expenses of hydrogen tenfold, it will become the cheapest energy carrier. In this case, coal, oil and natural gas fail to compete with it.
Professor Kanarev's investigations have shown that there are some plasma electrolytic devices and modes of their operation, which reduce energy expenses for obtaining one cubic meter of hydrogen up to 0.40 kWh. In this case, more than 1000% of additional energy is obtained. A laboratory device with such indices was made in 2007.[42] His findings have been confirmed by leading Russian scientists.[43]
Kanarev provides a new theory that conclusively demonstrated the inaccuracy of the current interpretation of the experiments of Faraday, Hertz, Compton, Fresnel, Young, the Michelson - Morley experiment, and the failure of the postulate of Bohr, the formula for calculating the radius of Schwarzschild black holes, the limited capacity of the Schrödinger equation. Einstein's formula for calculating the photoelectric effect for which he received the Nobel Prize, completely distorted its physical meaning.[44]
Plasmaelectrolytic cells
RU 2157861 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 25.11.1998.
RU 2157862 The device for reception of thermal energy and mixes of gases. - 25.11.1998.
RU 2157427 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 26.01.1999.
RU 2167958 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 02.06.1999.
RU 2175027 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 03.06.1999.
RU 2213162 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 06.03.2001.
RU 2186153 The cathode for plasmaelectrolytic a reactor. - 28.06.2001.
A cell for Cold Fusion
RU 2210630 The device for reception of a gas mix and Cold Fusion of atoms of chemical elements. - 04.09.2002.
Lowcurrent cells
RU 2227817 Electrolytical cell of Lowcurrent Electrolyser for reception of hydrogen from water. - 27.04.2004.
RU 2232829 The device for reception of hydrogen and oxygen. - 20.07.2004.
RU 2277138 The device for reception of hydrogen and oxygen. - 27.05.06.
Application 2006103430 The way of reception of energy for electrolysis and the device for its realization.
Thermal preplasma cells
RU 2228390 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 10.05.2004.
RU 2256006 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 10.07.2005.
RU 2256007 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 10.07.2005.
RU 2258098 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 10.08.2005.
RU 2258097 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 10.08.2005.
RU 2260075 The device for reception of thermal energy, hydrogen and oxygen. - 10.09.2005.
Application 20313344 The device for reception of heat, hydrogen and oxygen
Application 2003137263 The device for reception of heat, hydrogen and oxygen
Application 2006100216 The way and the device for reception and uses of heat
Hydrogen Energy Laboratory Project
December 2003, Japanese H.E.L.P. Co. developed a way to modify a gasoline-fueled car, hydrogen and water are fed to the engine and injected simultaneously, where the hydrogen, creates high temperatures and instantly vaporizes the water. The expansion that occurs when water converts to steam drives the pistons. The main substance exhausted from the car is water vapor. One cubic meter of hydrogen can propel the car for about four kilometers, and the tank, can hold 70 cubic meters.[45] [46]
Dennis Klein
Dennis Klein (Aquygen hydrogen Technology Applications Inc.) discloses an electrolyzer for electrolyzing water into a gaseous mixture comprising hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The electrolyzer is adapted to deliver this gaseous mixture to the fuel system of an internal combustion engine. The electrolyzer of the present invention comprises one or more supplemental electrode at least partially immersed in an aqueous electrolyte solution interposed between two principle electrodes. The gaseous mixture is generated by applying an electrical potential between the two principal electrodes. The electrolyzer further includes a gas reservoir region for collecting the generated gaseous mixture. The present invention further discloses a method of utilizing the electrolyzer in conjunction with the fuel system of an internal combustion engine to improve the efficiency of said internal combustion engine.
"This technology is going to end up being in the mainstream eventually,
and then the critics are going to look absolutely foolish." - Dennis Klein [47]
Goodbye Big Oil - Vive
Clearwater man puts technology to work. | Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Florida) (via Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News) (November, 2005)
EVWORLD FEATURE: Electric Cars and the Goldilocks Planet: Global Warming | Carbon Dioxide | Cold Fusion
The Return of the Water Engine
Hydrogen Technology Applications and UTEK Corporation Announce Strategic Alliance Agreement. | Business Wire (April, 2002)
Primary Law - State & Federal Case Law and more at Loislaw
Hydrogen Generating Technology Closer Than Ever
Mixed gas generator
Welding - Yull Brown
Apparatus for generating a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for producing a hot flame - Huang C. Chiang
Extraction installation for hydrogen and oxygen
Electrolytic gas producer method and apparatus
Hydrogen generator for uses in a vehicle fuel system
Safety switch for hydrogen generator system
Hydrogen-oxygen generator
Hydrogen engine
Electrolysis of water
Hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell
Hydrogen generator
Electrolytic gas producer method and apparatus
Electrolytic fueling system for engine
Apparatus for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen
Internal combustion engine kit with electrolysis cell
Electrolytic apparatus and methods for purification of aqueous solutions
Referenced by
Electrolytic cell for producing charged anode water suitable for surface cleaning or treatment, and method for producing the same and use of the same
Water fuel convertor
Steve Ryan
In 2005 Steve Ryan (Bios Fuel) made a standard 350cc motorbike run on water using a process to entrain the Hydrogen in water.(without the use of a power source) [48] [49] Bios Fuel also developed the EcoTube, a commercial device decreasing nitrous oxide emission by vaporising fuel using exaust heat.[50] At the solar challenge they took part in a separate "greenfleet" demonstration class for fuel-efficient vehicles. The Bios Fuel Corp blend branded H2W+ comprising 40 per cent water and 60 per cent waste oil was used to drive a 1989 Landcruiser.[51] [52]
Bob Boyce
Bob Boyce was winning races in mini power boats down in Florida, using Hydrogen for fuel. Hydrogen wasn't easy to locate and acquire. So, he made his own. He then made his own Hydroxy (Browns gas) on demand system using batteries to produce the Hydroxy that fed his engines. One day he started noticing that at a certain RPM his power kicked up suddenly. He examined his system to find out what was causing his boost at that rpm. It turned out that one of the diodes in his Alternator had failed and was pumping an AC into his electrolyzer. When that certain rpm was reached the output from the electrolyzer suddenly increased. Researching further by having the gas analyzed at a local college, he found that when the frequencies kicked in he was producing much more monatomic hydrogen. He went on to perfect his electrolysis to the point that it generates a large volume of gas and mostly monatomic hydrogen. He build various fuel saving devices[53] [54] and the plans are publicly available.[55]
Yahoo! Groups : Hydroxy
This is a members only forum for those that wish to discuss various methods of producing and using a hydrogen / oxygen gas mix known as hydroxy gas.
Thushara Priyamal Edirisinghe
July 2008 Sri Lanka Daily News reports [56] engineer Thushara Priyamal Edirisinghe, from Athurugiriya, is powering a car using water and an extremely low amount of electricity. The car, travelled from Christ King College, Pannipitiya, Thushara, to Anuradhapura and back on mere three litres of water.(80 km/l) Thushara claims the energy is produced by the splitting water into separate Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules using a current of barely 0.5 amperes then burning it in the engine. Furthermore he claims the technology existed for 60 years and that the generator could be fixed to any petrol or diesel vehicle with suitable adjustments. Using water as opposed to oil that react with lubricating oil would also extend the life of the vehicle. [57] Wednesday, 15 July 2008, Thushara Priyamal Edirisinghe explained the technology behind his creation to Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka at Temple Trees [56]. Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka who holds portfolios of Minister of Internal Administration and Deputy Minister of Defense extended the Government’s fullest support to his efforts to introduce the water-powered car to the Sri Lankan market. The Premier also pledged to provide facilities to carry out the conversion of fuel-powered engines to water-powered ones, bank loans etc.
Genepax - Water Energy System
June 2008, Japanese company Genepax showed a stock electric car self-charged by their WES water energy system, a "membrane electrode assembly" that extracts hydrogen which is turned into electricity which is then stored in the car bateries.
(57)【要約】 【課題】常温下で、燃料として純水を用いて発電を行う
David E. Cowlishaw
David E. Cowlishaw
In 2009 David E. Cowlishaw proposed his endothermic steam engine inspired by the Californian report from 1929. An ambient heat engine is any mechanical device that may utilize ambient heat in air as an energy input source. Such heat pump can achieve an "overunity" quantity of thermal energy in an enclosed space, by moving and concentrating existing heat from the exterior environment, at an energy "cost" of less than the amount of energy required to move it.This is true even if the exterior of the dwelling is at a lower temperature than the interior temperature needing more heat. Efficiencies of over 300 percent are demonstrably within the scope of possibility. [67]
anderson : water-fuel system
babington : nebulizer
caminez : engine
carman : inertial storage transmission
clem : hydraulic engine
constantinesco : transmission
cortright : biogasoline
cottell : ultrasonic fuel-water burner
dipietro : compressed air rotary engine
elmer : engine
garrett : electrolytic carburetor
gray : ems motor
gunnerman : water-fuel emulsion
hageman : thermal hydraulic engine
holtzapple : starrotor engine
howell-smith bradely : revetec cam-drive engine
joe cell
kasmer : hydristor
klein : aquafuel car
kukler : diesel injector
lagiewka : impact absorber
lame : hemisphere drive
lindahl : webster-heise valve
morgado : engine
negre : compressed air car
ogle : fuel system
pantone : geet fuel plasma
papp : engine
patterson : ram-implosion wing
perry : cyanuric acid
pogue : carburetor
richardson : aquafuel
rosocha : plasma-assisted combustion
rowley : vapor carburetor
santilli : magnegas
singh : squish-zone grooves (ic engine)
staver : transmission
st. hilaire : quasiturbine
tesla : disc turbine
teves : water fuel conversion system
thompson : u-joint
vapor carburetor patents
webster / heise : valve
yogev : h-generator
zinn : combustor
Designed By Committee
Related technologies
John Kanzius invented a method that has the potential to treat cancer. He has also demonstrated a device that can "burn salt water". Both effects involve the use of his radio frequency transmitter.
Royal Raymond Rife http://www.rife.de/article/CaliforniaWestern.pdf
Tareq Abu-Hamed and colleagues have devised a scheme that gets round these problems. By reacting water with boron. http://www.newscientisttech.com
Film and video
YouTube - Waterauto
Discussion groups
alfvaporizer - Fuel Efficent Carburetor Technologies
This group is for the serious reproductions and discussions of alternate fuel delivery systems for the sole purpose of increasing the efficiency and reducing the pollution emissions on the internal combustion engines. Topics will include Alan Francoeur vaporizer fuel system, Tom Ogle vaporizer, Charles Nelson Pogue 200 mpg carburetor 1935, Richard Goranflo 100 miles per gallon carburetor, Russell Bourke engine, Henry “Smokey” Yunick engine fuel cracking technology, Larry D. Wagner high mileage carburetor. Also including are all other forms of high mileage fuel delivery concepts and bio fuel technologies and energy delivery systems that do not require the use of gasoline.
Hydroxy - Bob Boyce
This is a members only forum for those that wish to discuss various methods of producing and using a hydrogen / oxygen gas mix known as hydroxy gas.
Supplemental hydrogen development goes back to the 1800's and in the early 1900's patent applications ensued (see below). Some abbreviations used in these documents are as follows: ICE - Internal Combustion Engine, and SI - Spark Ignition; as in an "SI engine".
Cassidy, J.F., “Emissions and Total Energy Consumption of a Multi-Cylinder Piston Engine Running on Gasoline and a Hydrogen-Gasoline Mixture,” Technical Note Report # E-9105, May, 1977, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C. Adding hydrogen to gasoline significantly increased flame speed and allows for a leaner air/fuel ratio. All emissions levels decreased at these leaner conditions.
Allgeier, T., Klenk, M., Landenfeld, T., Conte, E., Boulouchos, K., Czerwinski, J., “Advanced Emission and Fuel Economy Concept Using Combined Injection of Gasoline and Hydrogen in SI Engines,” Publication #2004-01-1270, March, 2004, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline produces improvements in engine efficiency and emissions.
Apostolescu, N., Chiriac, R., “A Study of Combustion of Hydrogen-Enriched Gasoline in a Spark Ignition Engine,” Publication #960603, February, 1996, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline produces improvements in engine efficiency and emissions, due to accelerated combustion.
Conte, E., Boulouchos, K., “Influence of Hydrogen-Rich-Gas Addition on Combustion, Pollutant Formation and Efficiency of an IC-SI Engine,” Publication #2004-01-0972, March, 2004, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline results in lower emissions and a significant increase in engine efficiency.
Fontana, G., Galloni, E., Jannelli, E., Minutillo, M., “Performance and Fuel Consumption Estimation of a Hydrogen Enriched Gasoline Engine at Part-Load Operation,” Publication #2002-01-2196, July, 2002, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline increases the flame speed at all gasoline air/fuel ratios, so engine operation at very lean mixtures is possible.
Goldwitz, J., Heywood, J., “Combustion Optimization in a Hydrogen-Enhanced Lean Burn SI Engine,” Publication #2005-01-0251, April, 2005, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline can extend the lean limits of the air/fuel ratio.
Green, J., Bromberg, L., Cohn, D., Rabinovitch, A., Domingo, N., Storey, J., Wagner, R., Armfield, J., ”Experimental Evaluation of SI Engine Operation Supplemented By Hydrogen Rich Gas From a Compact Plasma Boosted Reformer,” Publication #2000-01-2206, June, 2000, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline can reduce exhaust emissions and increase efficiency. A large reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions can be achieved without a catalytic converter due to very lean operation under certain conditions.
Henshaw, P., D’Andrea, T., Ting, D., Sobiesiak, A., “Investigating Combustion Enhancement and Emissions Reduction With the Addition of 2H2 + O2 to a SI Engine,” Publication #2003-32-0011, September, 2003, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline resulted in improved engine.
Houseman, J., Cerini, D., “On-Board Hydrogen Generator for a Partial Hydrogen Injection Internal Combustion,” Publication #740600, February, 1974, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. A compact onboard hydrogen generator has been developed for use with a hydrogen-enriched gasoline internal combustion engine.
Jing-ding, L., Ying-ging, L., Tian-shen, D., “An Experimental Study on Combustion of Gasoline-Hydrogen Mixed Fuel,” Publication #830897, April, 1989, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline produces improvements in engine efficiency and emissions due to accelerated flame speed and combustion rate.
Lang, O., Habermann, K., Thiele, R., Fricke, F., “Gasoline Combustion with Future Fuels,” Publication #2007-26-021, January, 2007, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. This paper describes current and future gasoline combustion systems with emphasis on efficiency improvement and emission reduction.
Shinagawa, T., Okumura, T., Furuno, S., Kim, K., “Effects of Hydrogen Addition to SI Engine on Knock Behavior,” Publication #2004-01-1851, June, 2004, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline reduced knock due to accelerated fuel burn and shortened combustion period.
Sjarstrarm, K., Eriksson, S., Landqvist, G., “Onboard Hydrogen Generation for Hydrogen Injection into Internal Combustion Engines,” Publication #810348, February, 1981, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline showed a potential for very low pollutant emissions with increased energy efficiency.
Stebar, R., Parks, F., “Emission Control with Lean Operation Using Hydrogen-Supplemented Fuel,” Publication #740187, February, 1974, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline resulted in significant efficiency improvements due to the extension of the lean operating limit.
Tully, E., Heywood, J., “Lean-Burn Characteristics of a Gasoline Engine Enriched with Hydrogen from a Plasmatron Fuel Reformer,” Publication #2003-01-0630, March, 2003, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI. Adding hydrogen to gasoline extended the lean limit of engine operation, resulting in greater efficiency and reduced emissions, both hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides.
Conte, E., Boulouchos, K., “A Quasi-Dimensional Model for Estimating the Influence of Hydrogen- Rich Gas Addition on Turbulent Flame Speed and Flame Front Propagation in IC-SI Engines,” Publication #2005-01-0232, April, 2005, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI.
Adding hydrogen to gasoline produces lower emissions due to increased flame speed and resultant accelerated fuel burn.
Heywood, J., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill International Editions Automotive Technology Series, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1988. This text, by a leading authority in the field, presents a fundamental and factual development of the science and engineering underlying the design of combustion engines and turbines. An extensive illustration program supports the concepts and theories discussed. It is referenced in many of the papers listed in this document.
Lewis, B., Von Elbe, G., Combustion, Flames, and Explosions of Gases, 3rd ed., Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1987. The fundamental principles of gas combustion are. Extensive diagrams, graphs, photographs, and tables of numerical data are provided. Referenced in the links in this document.
Taylor, C. The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, 2 Vols., 2nd ed., Revised, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985. This revised edition of a classic work incorporates changes due to an emphasis on fuel economy and reduced emissions.
United States Patent #1,112,188 issued on September 29, 1914 to Leonard Atwood
A means for improving combustion by mixing different fuels.
United States Patent #1,262,034 issued on April 9, 1918 to Charles Frazer
A hydro-oxygen generator for use with internal combustion engines.
United States Patent #1,490,975 issued on April 15, 1924 to William Howard
Improving internal combustion engines by introducing hydrogen gas to increase flame speed.
United States Patent #1,876,879 issued on September 13, 1932 to Walter Drabold
Improving internal combustion engines by varying the proportions of energized gases to supplement normal carburetion.
United States Patent #2,509,498 issued on May 30, 1950 to George Heyl
Supplementing the fuel-air mixture in an internal combustion engine by adding oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolysis.
United States Patent #3,311,097 issued on March 28, 1967 to Georg Mittelstaedt
Introduction of hydrogen and oxygen produced by electrolysis improves fuel economy, increases power, and reduces emissions.
United States Patent #4,023,545 issued on May 17, 1977 to Edward Mosher and John Webster
An on-board electrolysis unit powered by the existing electrical system comprises a stainless steel tank, anode and cathode.
United States Patent #6,209,493 issued on April 3, 2001 to Bill Ross
An on-board electrolysis unit includes a sealed plastic body, reservoir, and shut-offs for low-level, high temperature, and high pressure.
Archie Blue - Another water car Inventor who no one knows about
tripatlas - discover the world - share your experience
Nobel prize - chemistry -Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish, George Porter
Studies of extremely fast chemical reactions, effected by disturbing the equlibrium by means of very short pulses of energy.
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Keely's Dissociation of Water
rexresearch.com - Nikola Tesla's Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals
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U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program - November 5, 2003
Plasmatron Reformer Cuts Diesel Emissions, Promises Better Gasoline Engine Efficiency
The Tenth Annual Discover Magazine Awards for Technological Innovation TRANSPORTATION - WINNER MIT's MicroplasmatronInnovator: Daniel Cohn - July 1, 1999
Hydrogen A Go-Go
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Plasma Science and Fusion Center
The Microplasmatron Fuel Converter (Plasmatron)
The pistol shrimp
University of Twente
Pistol shrimp
svpvril - Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
Historical Articles on John W. Keely
UK symposium on the Impact of New Technology on the Marine Industries.
Water as Fuel - lecture by Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin
Clara Bloomfield-Moore
Keely and His Discoveries
Lateral science - Roger Curry
Atomic hydrogen torch
Bioelectrochemistry - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - geocities
Irving Langmuir
The original September 8, 1935 article from microfilm in the Dallas Library.
Dallasite Patents Invention Which He Claims Substitutes Water for Gasoline as Fuel
1935 - Pathe' News - Pathe' Stranger than Fiction
mothersalert - June 1989
The Pacheco Generator Story
Time magazine Australia p.46 - Christopher Walter - 17 July 1995
Energy suppression
Suppressed and Incredible Inventions - John Freeman
Chapter 1 Super mileage autos and fuel systems
Press Release: Billings Energy Corporation - 16 July 2003
Roger Billings Re-launches Billings Energy Corporation
William A. Rhodes on common ducted oxyhydrogen gas
Proof Of Discovery: Precedence established for Generation and Single Ducted Use of Mixed Atomic Hydrogen and Oxygen
Sourcewire - TÄGERWILEN Switzerland, June 13, 2008
The Race To Commercially Produce The First Car That Runs on Ordinary Tap Water Hots Up!
Courier Mail - Brendan O'Malley - 17 march 2009
Horvath's hydrogen Fairlane
rexresearch.com - Robert A. Nelson
Guido FRANCH: Water to Gasoline
metacafe.com - Dr. Andrija Puharich lectures
Dr. Andrija Puharich lectures 1 / 5
rexresearch.com - article by Dr. Andrija Puharich
Water Decomposition by AC Electrolysis
Andrija PUHARICH - Water Decomposition by AC Electrolysis
angelfire - energy 2000 / energy21
Motorul cu apa inventat de Mihai Rusetel, unicat la nivel mondial, elimina total consumul de combustibil fosil.
peswiki - Stanley Meyer - Comment
Comment on the patent from Tay-Hee Hau
Eugene Malove
Fire from ice - preface [pdf]
Martin Chaplin - water structure and science
Water Absorption Spectrum
Herman P. Anderson
Herman P. Anderson
The Dominion-News - Wednesday, October 29, 1958 - Herman P. Anderson demonstrates prototype in Nashville
The man from Down Under : Archie Blue
Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. - PMID: 17053150
Long-term sustainability of a high-energy, low-diversity crustal biome.
Google video
Xogen - free energy
Professor Ph. M. Kanarev's Books and Lectures
The Scientific School Of Kuban State Agrarian University. - Канарёв Ф.М.
The Foundation Of Phischemistry Of Micro World (10th edition)
Канарёв Ф.М.
Asian times - Asia Pulse/Nikkei - 9 December 2003
Japanese venture refits cars to run on hydrogen
Hydrogen Energy Laboratory Project Co., Ltd.
WorldNetDaily - Ron Strom - May 20, 2006
Businessman claims hybrid technology more efficient with less emissions
60 minutes
'Enriched Water' burned as Fuel
Scoop New Zeland - business - 5 June 2008
Car rental firm helps clean up New Zealand's air
New Zeland herald - National
Full steam ahead for NZ driving team
ABC news - Australia
Tough new rules for solar car race
Bob Boyce Electrolyzer Cell part 1
panacea - Building our children a future
Bob Boyce
Pure Energy Systems Network inc. - Promoting cutting-edge, clean energy technology
Open Source: Bob Boyce Electrolyzer Plans
Sri Lanka Daily News
Water powered car solution to fuel crisis
the Nation.lk - Rivira Media Corporation Ltd.
Sri Lankan engineer M.A. Thushara Edirisinghe set to give motorists a shot in the arm with his invention that enables vehicles to run with water instead of fuel
New energy Times - steven B. Krivit
COLD FUSION - a Lecture for the Class
Official website about Dr. Andrija Puharich
Andrija (Henry) K. Puharich M.D., LL.D.
Youtube - Mihai Rusetel
Water Engine
Jcmiras.Net_01 - Damien Holyoak, Brisbane, Australia - Feb 2005
The Content of the Patent of Daniel Dingle's Water Fueled Car
Labella's auto repair - 2007
Does Supplemental Hydrogen Really Work?
Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries - Jonathan Eisen - 1999
Archie Blue
William H. RICHARDSON, Jr. Aqualene // AquaFuel
peswiki - David E. Cowlishaw
Endothermic Steam Engine
Stephen Horvath - Biography
stephenhorvath.com.au - Biography
Formed in 1998, Star Scientific Limited is an advanced scientific research company with a singular focus: using sustained, controlled muon catalysed fusion to deliver abundant, clean, safe and affordable energy.
Star Scientific Limited
Water fuel car
Columbus Dispatch has an article summarizing the research in Meyer, the requirement of his dune buggy that could surpass the U.S. in 1922 gallons of water, and his mysterious death nine years ago. Meyer, his twin brother, Stephen, and two Belgian investors are celebrating the creation of Meyer dune buggy that could turn water into hydrogen fuel-efficient enough to power the car instead of fossil fuels. It was March 20, 1998, and the Cracker Barrel in Grove City, Ohio. When you drink cranberry juice, Meyer grabbed his throat, ran outside, vomited profusely, and died. According to his brother, his last words were:I've been poisoned.
This pictures for the old vw bug picks up where the previous picture ended with the orange arrows showing the tube that feeds the GEET reactor. The yellow arrows show the line coming back into the engine compartment from the GEET reactor containing the GEET gas. The line goes up to a glass jar I installed as a sight glass then up around the top of the engine for extra cooling from the air being drawn in by the engine fan. It then drops down on the right side of the picture and is routed along side the oil feed tube then is connected to a large vacuum port in the carburetor. This system is completely separate from the HHO which connects to a different vacuum port.
Priciyana Edison - Dec 16, 2010

1 comment:
THAT'S TOO MUCH INFORMATION! This webpage was brought up on a link to my "Endothermic Steam Engine" concept, and the run on nature of your posting did NOT allow me to find anything like what my contribution to the WWW was, is, or could be. Substitute commas with periods, and continuously cryptic all signal, no pause information, with PARAGRAPHS! Then throw in a few pictures to capture attention, rather than repel it. I had to learn that lesson, and I am passing it along to you. :D
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