The key to our freedom from fossil fuels is held within water. Two abundant fuels Hydrogen and Oxygen, both needed to fuel a internal combustion engine. See Gasoline is a hydrocarbon and… a by product from oil refining, we are essentially already using Hydrogen and Oxygen as fuel and emitting Carbon as exhaust. Electrolysis of water for the Hydrogen and Oxygen gas is available on demand in the form of many available products today. One device that is not on the market but defiantly exist is the water spark plug. This product is basically a electrolysis device that excites water to a almost boiling point of tiny fog like droplets then bombards the water molecules with pulsed resonant frequency to separate the water molecules into their gaseous state, Hydrogen and Oxygen. This ionized HHO mixture is recombined with ionized exhaust gasses and stripped of its electrons leaving a clean flammable positively charged fuel that equals that of a gasoline ignition. The technology was designed to fit into a spark plug and be assisted by a high performance ignition system. We see a opportunity based on research by the DOE to use lasers instead of the traditional high voltage plasma arc to ignite the ionized HHO mixture. Investment capital is sought right now to develop working prototypes and we have a research and development facility in Canada capable and eager to start this project. If you are interested in partnering with Mr Green Energy LLC please contact Daniel Green for a business plan.
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When the laws of thermodynamics were written, Tesla was not consulted. Two flammable fuels make up the water molecule and electrical resonance can efficiently liberate the water molecule leaving an clean HHO fuel. Here is the proof below, please share it widely and please donate what you can to our crowd funding campaign, tab located to the right..
2000 Cambridge University Press
Arc-liberated chemical energy exceeds electrical input energy
“New 3rd-party test results on SHT show over 1000x overunity – Solar Hydrogen Trends just got their third set of third-party test results on their hydrogen-production from water technology. A world-class engineering firm measured 97% hydrogen output (from H2O input), and much more than 2800 liters per minute output from 414 watts input, making this perhaps the most promising technology on the planet.” (PESN; July 3, 2014)
Daniel Green video – FUEL from thin AIR by
This flame is made of pure water
” When people hear the news that water or rather the two flammable fuels that make up water can power a car, they often ponder if we have enough water to fuel our society. This is a fair question to ask, however, the planet in covered in water and we already use millions of gallons of fresh water to cool coal fired and nuclear power plants. Each facility consumes over a million of gallons of water each daily, not to mention how much water is used in refining oil or Tar Sand projects. If we used the atomic energy within water we would actually decrease water consumption for power generation by 99%. The fueling station of the NOW is a atmospheric water generator capable of 8 gallons per day from the thin air, this access to pure water can power your home, car and more importantly your families health and vitality.
Researchers at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) recently demonstrated the latest version of their laser spark plug designed for use with lean burn gas (natural gas and hythane, an 80% CNG, 20% hydrogen mixture) reciprocating engines.
Originally designed to study oxy-fuel combustion of natural gas, the Natural Gas Combustion Apparatus has been modified to study non-premixed combustion of a variety of fuels, using air or oxygen as an oxidizer. It is currently being used to study the structure, stability, and emissions of nitrogen-diluted hydrogen diffusion flames. The results may improve the understanding of hydrogen gas turbine combustion in the proposed FutureGen project.
Laser ignition of bio gasses is already being done in stationary power generators. HHO fuel from water can be ignited the same way. ” A series of tests were conducted by Argonne comparing the performance of conventional CDI ignition and laser ignition in a static chamber and a Rapid Compression Machine. Such tests have shown that sparking becomes easier at higher pressures in the case of laser ignition. Also, laser ignition is found to be capable of extending the lean-ignition limit all the way to the lean-combustion limit (flammability limit). Alternately, laser ignition allowed use of higher rates of charge dilution with exhaust gases or inert gases. ” MIT- “With a single gallon of water, Nocera says, the chip could produce enough electricity to power a house in a developing country for an entire day. Provide every house on the planet with an artificial leaf and we could satisfy our 14 terrawatt need with just one gallon of water a day. “The device is an advanced solar cell, no bigger than a typical playing card, which is left floating in a pool of water. Then, much like a natural leaf, it uses sunlight to split the water into its two core components, oxygen and hydrogen, which are stored in a fuel cell to be used when producing electricity.” NASA ” Excess water vapor is removed by an internal circulating hydrogen system. Hydrogen and water vapor from the reaction exits the cell stack, is mixed with replenishing hydrogen from the storage and distribution system, and enters a condenser, where waste heat from the hydrogen and water vapor is transferred to the fuel cell coolant system. The resultant temperature decrease condenses some of the water vapor to water droplets. A centrifugal water separator extracts the liquid water and pressure-feeds it to potable tanks in the lower deck of the pressurized crew cabin. Water from the potable water storage tanks can be used for crew consumption and cooling the Freon-21 coolant loops. The remaining circulating hydrogen is directed back to the fuel cell stack. 2000 Cambridge University Press Arc-liberated chemical energy exceeds electrical input energy

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